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  1. Hi guys, First of all, lemme start off with a sincere apology. I will not try to deny the fact that I griefed your server over a year ago. It was for a so-called griefing team, and they requested that I would grief nerd.nu. Obviously, I did, and I want to say that I am sorry. At that point in time, i thought that it was fun to grief minecraft servers. I knew that it was wrong and that I would be angry if the same happened to me, but I did it anyways. For this I am truly sorry. Regardless, let me tell you that I have since changed my ways. You have a right to believe that I am simply lying about this fact, as many griefers, including me, have made similar claims in the past. Regardless, I have stopped griefing. It has been over a year since I stopped griefing servers, and I intend to never do so again. After, quite frankly, realizing how cruel it is to grief, I decided that I would stop. I have since then ran a minecraft server as well as underwent MAJOR building projects, and I know how important builds and peoples work is. If a griefer had shown up on *my* server and destroyed hundreds upon hundreds of hours of work, I would be horrified. Because of this, I want to extend a formal apology to all of those who I may have hurt in my past grief, and wanted to ask your forgiveness and ban pardon. Sincerely, TheButlah
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