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Monaxide [cyotie911]


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Okay here goes nothing.

as i remember it, I was banned for hacking, Yes i know, its lower than low. I want to be able to play on Nerd.nu servers again, and want to be able to express how sorry i am in this appeal.

I was banned for griefing with hacks on C. I have matured from the time i was banned, i dont remember the date, I havent used a hack client since that day, im currently trying to apply for a server admin position since the last server i was on closed and the server i would be applying to wont like it if i have bans on record, i hope i can be forgiven, I Honestly and sincerely appologize, and hope to be able to play again soon.

http://puu.sh/4N9Qv.png Picture of the nerd.nu ban.

again, im sorry, if unbanned it wont happen again.


ingame username: monaxide

Edited by monaxide
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Hello Monaxide,

  This ban is from quite a while ago.  I'm willing to give you another chance provided that you go reread the rules at http://nerd.nu/rules and reply back here stating that you understand them.

I have read the rules. Thouroghly and carefully, I agree and hope to be back on the server soon and the ban lifted from my account, Thanks very much for helping me out. It means alot to have my reputation cleansed, if just a small amount at least. I assure you i am a changed player.

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