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whatisan1nja [jakemates]


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To whom it may concern,


Hey there. So I've known from trying to join a few times that I have been banned from all the _.nerd servers for a few years now but I've never really felt like appealing for an unban. 


I'm also not sure of why I had been banned in the first place. My only theory could be that I might have done some stupid things a few years back when I was younger. (17 now, had minecraft since alpha [evident by the terrible terrible username], probably happened when I was around 14ish?) I was also not a redditor at that point but that's not really relevant.


I don't have much time to play Minecraft anymore but hopefully this can be resolved in the case that I do want to play on a reddit server sometime. By all means, contact me if you have any other questions. 


If it means anything, here's my reddit account if you're interested in seeing if I'm some raging troll or 10 year old. http://www.reddit.com/user/Avocados_Constant/

Hopefully that's enough ethos on its own.


Thanks for reading



EDIT : IGN is whatisan1nja. Just clarifying.

EDIT2 : I have read through http://www.redditpublic.com/wiki/Rules. Hopefully this facilitates the process faster.

Edited by AvocadosConstant
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Hello whatisan1nja,

  It looks like you were banned for the following reason:


Ban for whatisan1nja on c.nerd.nu for griefing by jakemates on 2011-04-24 22:34:23 (no more bans, no notes)


This ban is quite old. I'm willing to give you another chance.  Since you have stated that you have read the rules then I am going to go ahead and unban you now.  Please feel free to contact me with any rules you would like clarified


Go have fun with blocks.

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