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bnraiff [Diamond_Lover123]


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This morning, I logged in only to find something's place, I was looking at earlier. and it was grieved. :ohmy: Worrying it he thought it was me, I disconnected. 30ish mins later, I logged back in, did /randloc and went to a "Mission Control" area. [still worried]  so I said "sup guys" and he said "hey thanks for greifing my build" :huh: I told him I was where I was, and he was silent. It told me I was banned. :cripes:


1. I did not grief, if he thinks I did, I would live screen cap/vid of me doing so.\



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Ban information for bnraiff:

#13800034 by Diamond_Lover123 on 2014-05-17 07:10:17 - Major griefing on C, minimal constructive edits. nerd.nu/appeal

No more bans.

No notes.




Hello bnraiff. In your appeal, you say you didn't grief. You then ask for screen caps of you doing so. Here they are:0ceiVD7.png3VjPCan.png

These screenshots show that you were griefing, despite you saying you weren't. It isn't a small amount either, you've destroyed several thousand blocks that aren't naturally generated in the time you've spent on the server.

For large amounts of griefing and for lying in your ban appeal, I'm going to set the ban length at 1 month. You may reappeal on June 17 stating that you have read the rules, which rule you broke, and that you agree to abide by them from then on in order to get unbanned.

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