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[03/14/15]Saturday Chaos Arena Announcement


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This week's Arena will be held on Saturday, March 14, 2015, at 9:00 PM EST. We've been having a good turn out and would love to see some new faces this week. If you play PVE or Creative you're just as welcome to come participate in the weekly arenas. Most of the matches are kitted so there isn't any need to bring gear unless you intend on participating in the BYOG bracket. As always, this is an official arena and as such the winners of each bracket can expect to be rewarded at the end of the Arena.




The Current Fights are Planned as Followed:
  • Itemless FFA
  • 1v1 Kitted Tournament
  • 1v1 BYOG Tournamnet
  • 2v2 Kitted Tournament
  • 3v3 Kitted Tournament
  • Kitted FFA




How the Fight Schedule Will Work

Sign ups this week will be completely at-will. Before each match in a bracket, players will be given a special word to type and then contestants will be chosen completely at random. Once the initial rounds of a bracket have been completed the bracket will move in to semi-finals and then followed by finals where the winners can duke it out until only one contestant(or team) remain.



Changes to the Provided Kits

This week we're changing the kits up. Chest, Pants and feet items will be iron. Due to the issue of being able distinguish teams the head item will remain leather. Also, this week the potions provided will be Splash II Health and one Regen. Any abuse of the kit system will result in immediate disqualification. You will also not be allowed to exit the arena with any kit items.



Once more, the arena will be held on Saturday, March 14, 2015, at 9:00 PM EST. If you have any other questions feel free to contact me, Veltoss, or Avadakedavra03 here, on the /r/mcpublic post, or in-game. We look forward to your attendance!




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Edited by iamdarb
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