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SAL Battle Saturday!


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Survival Arena League (SAL) this Saturday!  Join us May 16th at 5p EDT (translate your time here) if you want to battle!


There will be four different types of fights that you can earn points in:

  • 1v1 (duels)

  • 1v1v1v1 (4-ways)

  • Free-for-alls

  • Mob free-for-alls


How does it work?

Like any other arena, the round type will be announced along with a word to type.  Keep in mind for points, you can only fight once per round type.  If people want to fight for no points, they are welcomed to ask though!  We will not be supplying any gear for these fights, so you must bring any items you would like to use (you will have access to an enderchest).  Although diamond gear is appreciated for some fights, you don’t have to have it to participate!  For information about the rules and scoring, check out the SAL spreadsheet.


As mentioned in the Revision 28 Recap and Revision 29 Forecast post, points from this revision will carry over to the coming Revision 29.


Can't wait to see you guys there!

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