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DukeofBranch [cmchappell]

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I was banned many moons ago (last summer, right around when I started playing MC) from these servers for griefing on s.nerd.nu - I had generally only played on private servers before that and didn't really understand the rules on griefing. I would like to appeal my ban and if it is successfully appealed, I will familiarize myself with all facets of the server rules and abide by them while playing on the servers.

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Hello DukeofBranch,


You are banned for:

Ban for dukeofbranch for Griefing on S. nerd.nu/appeal by cmchappell on 2012-07-07 19:35:14 (no more bans, no notes)


Please be patient and cmchappell will be with you as soon as they can.  If no one has attended to your appeal after 48 hours have past, please feel free to BUMP (Bring Up My Post) your appeal.

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Hello again -


I wanted to bring attention to this post. I am not sure how things work around here - but I have indeed read through the rules again and I fully intend to abide by them (Sorry for griefing, I won't do it again!) should my ban be lifted. I appreciate any additional attention given to this thread and this issue. Thank you for your time.

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Sorry for the delay in response to this appeal. 

This is a fairly old ban and you seem to be remorseful.

I am going to go ahead and unban you, seeing as how you have stated that you re-familiarized yourself with the rules and agree to abide by them.

Welcome back.

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