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Staff Clearup - August 2015


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We will be implementing quarterly cleanups from here onwards. Within this topic, I would like to document the process that I have taken with this current cleanup followed by a list of permissions that we'll be looking to remove in a week, give or take.


I began by pulling a list of our current moderators from a staff database that I recently created with the assistance of SirTacfoace, which contains information on individual permissions across our services so we can stay on top of them. From here, I began collecting data in regards to each individual, more than required for this cleanup so that we can establish where more help is needed more accurately. The primary piece of information that I gathered was whether each person had logged onto the servers within the past four weeks and if not, whether they had informed us of their absence (ideally through this topic).


During this time, I opened up a discussion primarily for moderators, to help us define activity a little better and we concluded that it isn't something that can be put to a number of modreqs, as some people engage in other areas of moderation, assisting people and being involved in special events (such as fundraisers). With this in mind, we decided that people who have not been logged in over the past four weeks on our community and who have not informed us of any inactivity, have no metrics for us to measure activity by, thus inactive.


We will be removing permissions for the following users on the subsequent services:


Inactive Moderators --> Move to Past Moderators - These users have been moved to the inactive moderators section some time ago. [Done]


  • beastbruiser           

  • Bestor               

  • betajippity           

  • BillThePurpleGuy       

  • CaptainViridian       

  • cmchappell           

  • dan1son           

  • Darkskynet           

  • emptyafternoon       

  • Guyjones           

  • IDANUB           

  • Kisa_Gitana           

  • Kohlse               

  • MaidenGenevive       

  • Merc_Rick           

  • Morkrash           

  • muldoonaz           

  • NEVAstop           

  • palmeirl           

  • PolarTux           

  • Speializedowns       

  • TheKingDuff           

  • VarukaSalt           

  • Vortex_Oxide           

  • WickedCoolSteve




Current Moderators --> Inactive Moderators - None of these users have been online upon the servers within the past four weeks. Therefore no metrics to measure activity by on our key services. [Done]


  • DementedM0nkey

  • draykhar

  • fazaden

  • forty_two

  • katiewills

  • meno123

  • Ooer

  • Ozomahtlii

  • StatelyFandango

  • thelethalkind

  • thrawn21




Mumble --> Remove - These accounts are past staff / will be inactive staff. [Done]


  • beastbruiser

  • DementedM0nkey

  • draykhar

  • fazaden

  • forty_two

  • katiewills

  • meno (meno123)

  • Ozomahtlii

  • thelethalkind




IRC Mod Channel --> Remove - These accounts are past staff. [Done]


  • LadyCailin

  • Smiler100

  • TheAcademician

  • draykhar

  • Thrawn21

  • beastbruiser

  • Bestor

  • cab417

  • cmchappell

  • dan1son

  • fazaden

  • forty_two

  • LetsBFehr

  • MrGauthier

  • Mumberthrax

  • Ozomahtlii

  • tactical_spork

  • thelethalkind

  • WickedCoolSteve




Steam --> Remove - These users are past staff. [Done]


  • tactical_spork

  • LadyCailin

  • Challenged Tardadactyl (MrGauthier)




Subreddit --> Remove - These users are past staff.


  • AlexanderSalamander = salamanderxander

  • The_wise_man = Starshell

  • fazaden = Fazaden

  • Skuld = Skuld

  • Eustis = Eustis

  • golf1052 = golf1052

  • sasquatch92 = forty_two

  • lpoql = lpoql

  • wraithguard01 = Private - Confirmed past staff.

  • Ooer = Ooer

  • Darkskynet = Darkskynet

  • SomeoneStoleMyName = Amaranthus

  • strangestquark = WickedCoolSteve

  • meno123 = meno123

  • dan1son = dan1son

  • thelethalkind = Thelethalkind

  • thrawn21 = Thrawn21

  • xMantaRay = CaptainViridian

  • superjjskate = Superjjskate

  • Ebreezet = Ebreezet

  • ttsci = Emf5100

  • BrooksAdams = JohnAdams1735

  • rafflesia = Bestor

  • PolarTux = PolarTux

  • LadyCailin = LadyCailin

  • Ozomahtlii = Ozomahtlii

  • SavantHael = Draykhar

  • thundaklap = smiler100

  • tompreuss = Tompreuss

  • muldoonaz = muldoonaz

  • Vortex_Oxide = Vortex_Oxide

  • Mumberthrax = Mumberthrax

  • kitkatBARH = Kitcatbar

  • cab417 = cab417

  • razgrizMC = razgrizMC

  • boringnamehere = beastbruiser

  • SansaPants = Sansapants

  • Mrgauthier34 = MrGauthier34

  • abledanger = mattgorecki

  • buchanmans = Buchanman

  • I_like_blocks = LetsBFehr



In addition to removing these permissions, a list is available in the private mod forum, listing permissions we still need to add people to. I'm done gathering and posting data now - It's taken a while but worth the effort for the next cleanup in three months which should be effortless compared to this.

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Guest Former Staff

It has been a week, I have contacted 62 individuals to ensure that the message has been received and we are now proceeding to update permissions (not all will happen straight away but we'll do as many as we can).

Edited by Barlimore
Changing "not" to "now". Funny how that changes the meaning.
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  • 1 month later...
Guest Former Staff

Just a few more names to update upon irc, where I'm having an experience with some of the permissions. I have requested that the final names remaining on the subreddit list are removed as only AllnaturalX is able to update those individuals.

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