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XA3roRevo1ver [cyotie911]


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Hello. I got banned a while ago because of greifing. Here's the TRUE! story of how I think it happened. I let my little sister on to play, and she found this hello kitty with a gun pointed at it. She broke the gun, and made a knife with blood around it on its stomach. I hope I can play again soon!! I am super sorry!

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Hello! I got banned from this account a little while ago. I think the problem was that I greifed. Here's what I think happened. I remember I let my little sister play on c.nerd.nu. She going this hello kitty with a gun pointed at it. She broke off the gun, and then she put a knife in it. (Yes, she's a violent little girl. She's 10 btw. ) I looked up from my phone, then she was laughing. I live rift near that hello kitty so I reconsid it. She said she did it, then I was banned. This is my favorite server so i hope to be back on.

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Hello XA3roRevo1ver,


You are banned for:

Ban for xa3rorevo1ver for moderate griefing on C nerd.nu/appeal by cyotie911 on 2013-02-23 22:44:11 (1 more bans, 1 notes


Please be patient and cyotie911 will be with you as soon as they can.  If no one has attended to your appeal after 48 hours have past, please feel free to BUMP (Bring Up My Post) your appeal.

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