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Dispatch [Zomise]


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Hi. I was banned earlier today on the basis of employing a mod to highlight specific types of blocks out of direct view, otherwise known as an "x-ray" mod. I wanted to quickly take the appropriate actions to resolve this accurately in consideration for those who review these appeals.


I acknowledge that the reason for the banning is accurate and what I did constitutes a violation of the servers' rules and the integrity that the player base has for each member. For this, and for adding more work for those who keep things running smoothly, I am truly sorry. The specific rule I broke is #6 on http://wiki.nerd.nu/wiki/Rules:

  • No xraying/hacking/cheating
    • Any use of xray / ore detection will result in an immediate 1 month ban and rollback of all edits.


The reason I employed such a mod, I realize, hardly matters in consideration of the actual offense, but I wanted to share why I did so for transparency. In the past week, I spent a lengthy amount of time stockpiling a large amount of material to construct my build, namely quartz. Preparing for the actual mining and gathering of blocks took me quite of bit of time, as I had to to procure strong equipment, gear, food, etc. I also took much time to gather some other valuable blocks as well. Today, I decided to grab a horse, but as there were no horse armors to be looted in the Nether (which I exhaustively and fruitlessly searched), I became very impatient and resorted to to the easiest and quickest way of locating underground hidden chests, in the likely hopes that I would run across some horse armors. So I used the mod to find an abandoned mineshaft/chasm. Along the way, I illegitimately located ores I most likely otherwise would not have found. Many, perhaps more than half for some ores, I did find embedded in the surface, but I also have to admit i found many of those paths with the help of the mod.


I understand why this sort of behavior is not tolerated. It seems like a victimless activity, as the ores are way more than plentiful for everyone, but if everyone were to engage in similar behavior, then gameplay would be affected such that players wouldn't have to actually "play" as much to seek out valuable in-game items, an intended gameplay mechanic consisting of actual mining and exploration, which are at the heart of the game. Perhaps, it would even go as far as to reduce player interest as it becomes "too easy" resulting in less map activity and subsequent build diversity, among other possibilities.


I understand the punishment for my actions, and I own up to what I did, I acknowledge responsibility of the consequences that follow my behavior. I humbly hope that I may play on the nerd.nu servers again.




On another somewhat unrelated, but perhaps pertinent note, I received a warning message from Barlimore, who I later found out to be one of the head admins. The warning was simply to replant crop items after harvesting them. To my knowledge, i don't think I've ever left any public or private field lay egregiously barren after harvesting, but I just chalked it up to a small area that I inadvertently failed to replant. I was going to shoot him a simple message about the warning, but after I realized he was a head admin (and surmising that the action for the warning was minor), it seemed petty to bring it up, so I just deleted the message and made sure to replant any future harvests from unowned sources. Unfortunately, it appears that there is a note attached to my account stating that I was warned for griefing, so it appears that the event is a bit more significant than I had expected, as I don't remember my warning being on the subject of griefing. How can I proceed with the appeal for this? I apologize if this portion of the appeal doesn't belong here.



Looking forward to your reply,


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Thank you for admitting to what you've done. Makes this easier and faster for both sides.
Some of the screenshots I took for evidence:








You are banned for a month. Your inventory has been cleared and all your edits rolled back. Please appeal in a month's time stating you have read and understood the rules, quoting the rule you broke to be unbanned.

What it comes to your note, I'll leave this open for Barlimore to comment on.

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Guest Former Staff
On another somewhat unrelated, but perhaps pertinent note, I received a warning message from Barlimore, who I later found out to be one of the head admins. The warning was simply to replant crop items after harvesting them. To my knowledge, i don't think I've ever left any public or private field lay egregiously barren after harvesting, but I just chalked it up to a small area that I inadvertently failed to replant. I was going to shoot him a simple message about the warning, but after I realized he was a head admin (and surmising that the action for the warning was minor), it seemed petty to bring it up, so I just deleted the message and made sure to replant any future harvests from unowned sources. Unfortunately, it appears that there is a note attached to my account stating that I was warned for griefing, so it appears that the event is a bit more significant than I had expected, as I don't remember my warning being on the subject of griefing. How can I proceed with the appeal for this? I apologize if this portion of the appeal doesn't belong here.


Hey Dispatch, Zomise let me know that you had a request in your appeal here.


Whenever we warn someone for failing to replant, we hook on a note to ensure we have documentation of events. From the area you had harvested, you had replanted nearly all of the crops, aside from a few. Personally, I assume you made a mistake or forget to replant but wanted to make sure your attention was drawn to replanting in future which you seem to be good with.


I've gone ahead and removed the note from myself, and while I'm there, another from 2011 for (non-specific) griefing.

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