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Admin Additions Armouring Up


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The head admin team is pleased to announce two new admins for nerd.nu!

Both of these admins have the unique task of redesigning and implementing a pvp server - the final details of which are not set in stone, but we are hoping that with the two of them focusing on this project we will be able to get everyone back into fighting shape soon!

c45y has literally been part of the nerd.nu servers forever as a moderator, sadmin, and tech admin. You may know him more recently as the person who very kindly introduced us to Sir Meowingtons, Lord Puggleston, and Dr Cuddles on P. c45y has always had a soft spot in his heart for murder and mayhem.

bluuefuzzy has been active on the server since August 2014 and became a moderator in July 2015. You may have seen her hanging around prior revisions of S helping to keep things running smoothly, and more recently helping to build pvpcity on P.

Please join us in welcoming them both to the admin team!

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