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Ryan700123 [meno123]


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Like many a person on this site, my ban was created long ago, when my critical thinking skills were at an all time low. I don't even remember what I was doing at the time, and I wish to join some of my friends on the server.


My IGN: Ryan700123

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Hey Ryan700123, apologies that your ban wasn't caught a bit sooner. It appears from our end that your account was more than likely compromised at some point, which what probably lead to your ban from our servers. I'll only go ahead and ask that you ensure that your account is now secure (I would recommend changing your password, if you have not done so already quite recently) before joining our servers once again. I've gone ahead and unbanned you however, so welcome back  :happy:



Ban for Ryan700123 on c.nerd.nu for griefing, hacked client nerd.nu/appeal by meno123 on 2011-11-26 22:25:09 (no more bans, no notes)

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