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Stealthpanther formerly known as Ricky_Gervais


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Hey, I've been banned for X-ray, and I can confirm that I did this. I also understand that what I did was wrong.
Initially I had the resource pack active in single player creative working on an underground chamber and I left it active.

When logging back on and joining the server I found the temptation too great unfortunately. 

I've read the rules now and ask humbly for my appeal, If not that then for my builds to be not rolled back. It really messed up the guy I was helping build. He was unaware.

I fully accept any and all punishment deemed necessary. Thank you for your time

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Hello Stealthpanther, thank you for being honest with your actions here. For documentation purposes, I have detailed a handful of your edits here.


Unfortunately, the temptation to x-ray was too great but I do hope this is the first and final time. You've pointed out the impact this has had with your co-builder and he currently has a modreq in to discuss the impact of the rollback with our P admins.


Within our rules, I have rolled back your edits and will unban you on 23rd December (one month from now). I'd much rather you be playing instead, so please do not do this again.

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