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conman979 [cyotie911]


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To be exact here, I was: "Banned: minor griefing on C nerd.nu/appeal"


I am not quite sure what I had griefed, but regardless, I must have done something that has shown up to the staff to have action be taken, I am not denying that I did something, but merely stating that I do not recall of griefing or of having any intentions of griefing.  I understand if I cannot be appealed as clearly the rule is to not grief, and that has been broken, and in turn my punishment is ban.  I would be very grateful if my ban could be appealed.


My apologies,


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Actually, yes, though I wouldn't refer to that with such a muddy word like grief.  In the server's rules under "Structures" It states: do not mar the experience or view for other players.


With this I felt it was an ugly structure to be present,  I felt it would be no harm to remove of it, and felt it would be too small of a deal to call in staff to do anything about.  I know I probably shouldn't have done the work of staff as I am not staff, and it doesn't affect me to a very large degree, but certain small things like this trip my OCD.  


Sorry for everything,


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