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Sleets [TemporarilyAlive]


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I just started playing on the server a few days ago. I was playing for a good few hours getting gear, learning about the server, and getting base tours from some of the regulars. I logged out and hadn't been on in a day and a half or so and when I log back in I am banned for xray. I am going to assume this was because I mined 30 or so netherite? 

I was using Fire Res potions and swimming/using elytra in lava to look for the netherite. Plng was with me at one point and observed me doing it. I also have a replaymod video of this I can show if needed. 


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Hi Sleets,

You were banned for xraying ancient debris in the nether. All 31 of your ancient debris edits were from the bed of a lava lake with minimal netherrack edits. The only way this could be achieved in the timeframe you did it in is with resource packs, mods or glitches that enable you to see through lava.

This is an unfair advantage as vanilla clients would see this:

Below is some screenshot evidence showing some of the 31 ancient debris edits.



As this is your first offence you will be unbanned 7 days from now. As per our xray policy all of your edits have been rolled back and your inventory/ender chest wiped.
I would also like to add that replay mod is not allowed as this too can be used for xraying.

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Ok understood. I had replaymod for going back to look at builds but I will not use it anymore. I did also have a clear lava that was on that I have had on for so long I never even think twice about it and never saw it stated being not allowed. Thanks

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