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Saturday Night Special - Civ 5



Event details

Hey everyone, I am happy to announce our first special event for this upcoming week! In addition to the Saturday Special we will also be doing the regular Friday Night Gaming, however we will be doing a game that we have done before (TTT). We are also doing an even later time this week to accommodate people that are working in hopes of having more join us.

Note 1: You will need to SIGN UP for the Saturday Special as there is only so many slots, you can do that by clicking here.

Note 2: We will be playing with ALL DLC (Gods & Kings + Brave New World). If you do not own any of these, please sign up anyway but state you do not have them. We may decided to not play with DLC if not enough people show up.

Note 3: Don't forget this weekend is day light savings

Saturday Night Special

When: Saturday March 7th at 8PM PST/11PM EST (Time Converter)

Game: Civilization 5

Length: 5 Hours

Where: Mumble/Steam

Recording: No

Game Settings:

Note: These are subject to change depending on what everyone wants when we start)

Mode: Domination ONLY Victory

AI?: No, unless not enough people show up

Map Size: Large or Huge

Players: 10, may increase to 12 depending on how many signups

Game Speed: Quick

Resources: Balanced, may change to Abundant

DLC: Gods & Kings, Brave New World, may change if not enough people have these

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