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  1. Well, I was at my cousins house and got on the server using my account (mathews123) and was banned. It turns out that his ip was banned from the server and I had no idea that is was. At first I thought that it was because of grief, but then I realized that it was an ip ban when my cousin told me. I tried to appeal but no one believed me so I use someone elses account for a while. Then I told a mod my story hoping he would help, but I got banned. Now my firend is mad at me for getting him banned.
  2. As my last will, please give all of my stuff to EpicMoose124. I am very sorry for what I have done, evading this ban and all, but my story is true, ask EpicMoose124 if you want confirmation. Heck you can ask edward1331 and abroosky too. Well one day if you will be so kind, if this ever gets resolved and you feel confident that I am innocent, can you at least unban this account? It is a friends account and he is kind of ticked about me getting it banned. Thanks and one again I am sorry to trouble you.
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