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Posts posted by desertcombat06

  1. Hey guys,


    There's been an issue in the past with my brother playing with Avo when he used to be a huge contributor to the community.  I've supported nerd.nu since the start and am wondering if I can get my username (desertcombat06) disassociated with our home IP that is banned so CarverItUp can't play from home/at all on nerd.nu.  I know I've brought this up in the past and was told that, because I happened to log in at my parents house, my user was associated with that IP and that is the reason why I keep getting rebanned as an "Alt of CarverItUp".  I've reassured admins before that he  has never had access to my information, nor ever will.  I think he's even done with minecraft as a whole.


    I humbly ask to have my username disassociated with that IP and with my brother's account.  I would still like to participate in c.nerd.nu and p.nerd.nu, communities I've always supported and have funded in the past.


    Cheers, my friends.

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