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Everything posted by acreamcometrue

  1. I missed your reply. That is my explanation though.
  2. Looking through other appeals, I noticed that one of the cases made against a possible user of xray was maps of the player's tunnels they dug and that they were straight to ores. I used the side of the map (nerd.nu/maps/pve) to look for ores and dig straight to them. If this is breaking the rules, I really had no idea. However, I would be surprised if it is against the rules while this cross-section of the map was not hidden or, say, showed more of the cross-section than was reachable.
  3. Was playing and got kicked with a message saying that I was banned for xray on PvE. I'm not sure what it even means and so I don't know how I can make a case or otherwise defend myself.
  4. That's interesting. I'm not sure about that one... thanks for the information. I'm mostly concerned about slime chunks though.
  5. There appears to be an issue with slimes not spawning. I have cleared out large rooms in many chunks underground and found no slimes. I also have spoken to people who have done extensive digging and seen zero to very few slimes. Asking around about this issue, I found out that slime spawns in swamps also appear to be less common even on full moons.
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