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Posts posted by theclefe

  1. You're absolutely right. Perhaps this would be the best way to go about it: Have a "weeklong" trial period. If there is an immediate and obvious griefing problem, kill it after a day. If there is no problem, let it run the week and have further discussion. Worst case scenario, the mods trade the possibility of many fewer reqs for them and a better experience for the users for a (few) day(s) of possibly more griefing reqs. Is it not worth the trade?


    This trail period would have to be at the start of the next Rev, right?  I can already think of a few spots that could be really messed up if stationary water sudden started flowing.

  2. C for the big and P for the bold! I like it!


    The more I think about it, it might be a good event to generate more interest for C.  Have the opening event on P, generate a lot of people and spectators, then bring the rest of the league to C.  We can come up with a scenario that works well in our city format.  I think it would be cool.

  3. As this ban was recently made despite a conversation I had with the banning mod, I feel inclined to advocate on Tyrangiels behalf.  His ban for "Griefing railway, formed player trap" is a diservice to this dedicated player.  Tyrangiels is working alongside me on a regional railway station project near player forty_two's personal rail line.  It is a project that will connect many communities and players in the Southeast part of the map.  A small area of this project encroaches on forty_two's line, but given the nature of the project and the assumed goal of his line, it is believed that the project would be benificial at best, or of little consquence at worse.


    The responsibitly for this player trap and griefing falls on my shoulders alone.  Tryangiels is a productive player and an asset to this server.  In this instance, he was working at my direction.  He had every reason to believe, given the coordination I've done with many of the cities in the region and the nature and selflessness of the project, that I had or was capable of organizing and informing the parties affected. 


    As one of those of us who log hundreds of hours digging rails, connecting cities and making life a little more convienent for nerd players, I can sympathize with forty_two's initial anger and frustration.  At first blush, Tryangiels did do signifigant alterations to the line.  As a result of some miscommunication, he did remove pieces of rail that weren't intended to be removed.  However, as someone who has toiled underground for gamedays on end, one must also understand that there needs to be flexability acheive the complex, intergrated network we have in this rev.  It can't be done otherwise.  The intent of this "griefing" should be taken in context, not as a determental act.


    While I'm dissappointed with forty_two's decision, if a ban is truly neccesary in this instance, I strongly urge the first mod to view this appeal to transfer the ban to my account.  Tryangiels should not be punished by an expulsion from the server for days, hours or even minutes because of my decision.  Despite being one of the most active players the last two revs, I'm a quiet guy.  I don't expect everyone on the server to know me and the work I've done. His track record this rev, and my work the last two should more than warrant such an exception.


    We have a lot of great people on this server.  Tryangiels is one of them.

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