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Everything posted by rangerbingo

  1. Ok i was told to reapeal on january 1st i was busy so im doing it now. I read the rules. I was accused of using a secondary account bingoranger which is accually my idiot younger brothers. We only have one computer that can play MC so thats why it has the same I.P my bad just want to get back on with cutterwill. I did what you said served mah time now I realize that this server is not freeplay server and has rules that i read. thankyou. -Rangerbingo
  2. Please let me back in. My friend Cutterwill, only told me the rules after i had harvested the crops! I didn't know i had to replant. My younger brother may have also gotten onto my account and done some damage, changed password wont happen again.
  3. my five year old brother got onto minecraft because he thought it was cool and was clicking around and got on this server and kind of mined peoples stuff. Wont happen again please unban. I need to help my friend build his building.
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