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Posts posted by Rcub3161

  1. Its like kind of CTF... But its not!!! Basicly you have a number of Kingdom you chose one at the begining of each rev.

    What makes each kingdom different from each other? Should there be some kingdoms as a democracy/dictatorship? If you kill the kingdoms leader is there a bonus or something? There should be some sort of objective for the kingdoms. Alliances? Wars? This seems like it could be an interesting game mode/server if we expanded upon the idea a little bit.

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  2. Hi kburns95, I banned you for griefing on the survival server. Taking from public farms is considered griefing if you do not replant (http://imgur.com/Ddainky). Taking others torches and crafting benches is also griefing. I mainly banned you for taking crops and not replanting. Please respond back here after you have taken the time to read the rules once again and you will be unbanned. 

  3. I've not shot any idea down, we can't just add it straight away as you suggested earlier. Both pros and cons need to be presented to the players before we can make a decision like this. This isn't the sort of thing you can change just because you think it'll work.



    In your absence this was tried, however it would need to be re-evaluated before being re-implemented. New players were running around in armour whilst still in the protection which lead to swarms of players following them until the protection was up and they could be killed. There were others problems that I can't remember of off the top of my head right now that lead to it only being used for 1 revision.

    I never suggested adding it straight away, if it seemed that way I guess I was being unclear. I would think that if you hit someone your PvP protection would be removed. Though I was not around when it was added so we'd need more input from those who were around with the protection.

  4. Because something like basically unlocking chests is a big decision. We've always had lwc and everyone is used to it. It would change the way that Survival is played. Bases, or at least chest rooms, would have to be built for protection and functionality rather than aesthetics. This isn't something that you can implement without thinking about the consequences.

    How do you suggest we create a fresh new feeling on survival without changing some core aspect of play? Lock picking could only be done when the player the chest is locked to is online, that way they can stop you. Again it's not like it will take seconds to be able to unlock chests it would be a difficult process. You just shoot down the idea without having anyone expand on how it could be implemented and tested. "We've always had lwc and everyone is used to it", just because we have always had it doesn't mean we can't change. I mean let's try something. I feel raiding some bases would be fun, why not let us test it out? Lock picking will most likely not be implemented you know why? Because we want to keep the 15 regulars we have, I don't think the people who are regulars on the server are regulars because they enjoy the heck out of playing survival, it's because they like who they are playing with. No one change is going to make them leave, though I could be wrong. You said that more advertisement would be good, I agree but we have been talking about advertising the servers other than reddit for how many years now, I don't think it has changed much. I might be coming off as a little bit of an ass, and I am sorry for that. I'm just trying to voice my opinion is the best way possible.



    Golden Days Mindset

    Another problem I want to address is the mindset that most people have in some way or another. Regulars especially want the good ol' "Golden Days" like Rev 5-8 or 14-16. We're so focused on trying to get S back to it's old state that we don't see that it's wrong. S needs to be moving forwards, not backwards. This server is clearly not moving forward, especially because there have been small changes added so infrequently that each rev becomes repetitive, like mentioned above. I believe that we need to stop disagreeing with every change, even if it sounds off, because it may work out in the end. 


    My brain can't think of anything else to say, so like EeHee,


    Change is good, it keeps the server moving forward. It is hard to take a step backwards right now. Like you said even small changes are good, I really think we should try and put in a 20-60 minute PvP protection for new players, just to see if it keep more players playing and not leaving after they get killed.

  5. I doubt people will stay after their chests were all lockpicked. This plugin (in my opinion) would put an opposite effect in play, where people who play on nerd.nu regularary will get frustrated with the server and leave. Please don't add this.

    Why would it be easy to pick a chest? Details would have to thought out about it. It would not make people not want to play. Why not attempt to try something instead of just talking about it. It is all talk, nothing gets done.


    Personally, I tend to only go on survival servers if griefing or at least some form of chest stealing is allowed, so that as a newcommer I could at least have a chance to catch up. But that's me.

    On that point though, there are some plugins for giving people a chance to break into chests in exchange for an item or other aspect. This one hasn't updated in a while, but the general idea is there: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/allow-lockpicking/

    Yes please, something like this would be wonderful or some way to get into other peoples chests. I also think giving the owner of the chest a notification that their chest has been picked would be good too because it could start rivalries.

  7. There will be give or take 12 planned fights with prizes or more depending on how many people show up. That is 11pm EDT for those who don't know. Sorry if this arena does not fit into your timezone well it was the only way it would work for me since I had something come up last minute. Again I encourage people from all different servers to hop on and join in on some of the fights, you won't need anything to participate and you can still win!

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  8. Sure, people who are set up after the first week just look for people to kill. But, they are set up and have nothing more to do. It would be great if more people got together on survival and made towns and rail systems like PvE does creating more of a community and a sense of belonging to the server. That does not require anything from the server but communication from the players. It would be interesting to have rivaling towns that would have wars or something. I also believe that allowing the moderators on Survival to do more arenas would also bring people to play. Not only having planned arenas like the one this Saturday, but also having more of random arenas that are just on a whim. Maybe creating a survival arena mod team(kinda like this: https://nerd.nu/forums/index.php?/topic/1865-idea-a-lead-in-every-staff-team/), where they focus on only the arena aspect of moderating on survival and will not have to worry themselves with much else, unless they want to of course. Maybe creating more risk/ways to lose things would get people playing more, more arenas is one way to accomplish this. Because like I said once a person is set up with their base, there is nothing more for them to really do. Another way to potentially fix this is somehow being able to destroy another persons chests to get to their items. The owner of the chest would get a notification of who destroyed it, that way it kind of creates an enemy for the owner to go after. People are a little too nice on survival (despite common opinion) some sort of rivalry would be a nice change to survival. I believe something like this would give people more incentive to play and make sure that their stuff is not being taken. However, destroying someones chest and getting their items should not be easy, one idea (from monfmonf) was maybe creating some sort of new tool/pickaxe out of 3 nether stars and 2 diamond blocks as the sticks. Another idea to implement this would be locking your chests with diamonds/iron/gold each diamond/iron/gold you put on a chest would allow it to be locked for X amount of breaks, it would have to be a pretty big number since we have efficiency tools. New players would be able to have their chests locked for a couple days without having to have them locked by diamonds/iron/gold. But, implementing something like locking with diamonds might create a bit of a learning curve on survival, though it is worth a shot since things are pretty stale. I also think that the enchanting system is a little hard to understand for new players. The enchanting system might turn new players off from learning how to enchant. I love the plugin, but most new people have no Idea what the hell they are doing in that enchanting system. I would love to keep the plugin with somehow teaching new players how to enchant using it. Another idea awhile back was to give new players 20 minutes to an hour of being immune to PvP. This would help fix the problem that seems to be turning off a lot of new players from survival, as stated by ROCKONN. All these ideas are ways that I believe will help to change survival for the better, while keeping most of the old players.



    • Become a community and make towns like PvE (creating rivalries?)
    • More arenas/events
    • Creating arena/event mod team
    • Maybe being able to destroy others chests (with difficulty)
    • Look over enchant system making it less intimidating to new players
    • Give new players 20 minutes to an hour of being immune to PvP
    • Upvote 1
  9. There has been a lot of talk about people wanting to have an arena soon and I have decided that I will run one this Saturday. I have already gotten the O.K. from Mumberthrax to hold an arena with prizes.  I am looking for help in several aspects to run this arena. I would like ideas on what fights to have, what time this should be run at to have the most people playing, and any other special requests. There will be diamond and iron fights, but people must be willing to do them. Are there any clans interested in a clan battle? One idea I have is to spawn either a couple baby zombies or baby zombie pigmen and give them protection IV diamond armor and Sharp V swords and maybe do an FFA with them in the arena. I also encourage PvE players and Creative players to hop on during the arena, you won't need items to participate in some of the fights and it will be fun! Thoughts and opinions?


    Things needed:

    • Players willing to fight
    • A time that will bring the most players online at once
    • "Out of the box" ideas for some of the fights


    • Upvote 2
  10. I don't know if they will do a factions server, but I think it would be good to try. Could also try implementing the wars into simpleclans: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/simpleclans/#w-color-1061b3-war-color . Like I said in my previous post on the simpleclans feedback thread "Right now we have rivalries which are fine, but there is no actual war. Survival would be more fun if there was more risk to the server. War doesn't need to be implemented like that, but something with more risk would make survival more fun." Some sort of war would be fun.

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