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Posts posted by admanta





    ch?I’llhaveyouk nowIgrad

    uatedtopofmyc lassint

    heNavySeals,and I’vebe

    eninvolvedinnume rouss

    ecretraidso nAl-Qu aeda,andIha veove

    r300confirmedkills. Iamtrainedingor illa

    warfareandI’mthet opsniperintheentireUS

    armed forces.Youa renothingtomebutjusta

    nothertarget.Iwillwi peyouthefuc koutwithp

    recisionthelikesofw hichhasneverbeenseenb

    eforeonthisEarth,markmyfuckingwords. Youth

    inkyo ucangetawaywithsay ingtha

    tshit tomeove rtheIn

    ternet ?Think

    again, fucker

    .Aswes peakIa

    mcont acti ngmyse

    cret netwo rko fspies

    acro sstheUSAan dyour IPisbeing

    trace drightnow soyou betterprepar

    efort hestorm,ma ggot. Thesto rmth

    atwip esoutthep athet iclittl ethin

    gyouc allyourli fe.You ’refuck ingde

    ad,ki d.Icanbe anywhere,anytime,and Icankil lyoui

    nove rsevenhu ndredways,andthat’sjustwithm ybare

    hand s.Noton lyamI exten sivelytrai nedinu

    narm edcombat ,bu tIhaveaccesstothe entire

    arsen aloft heUni tedStatesMarineCor psandIw

    illu seitt oitsful lextenttowipeyourmi serablea

    ssoff thefaceoftheco ntinent, youlittle

    shit. Ifonlyyoucou ldha veknow nwha tunho

    lyretr ibut iony ourlit tle“clev

    er”com men twasa bout

    tobringd ownu ponyo u,ma

    ybeyouw ould haveheldyourfu

    cki ngtongue.B utyo ucouldn’t,youdi

    dn’t,an dnowyou’repayingt hep rice,yo u

    goddamnidiot.I willshitfuryalloveryo uand youwill

    drow ninit.You’refu ckingdead,kiddo .whatthefuckdidyoujus

    tfuc kingsayabo utme,youlit tlebitch?I’llhaveyo

    ukno wIgrad uatedtopofmy class intheNavySe

    als,andI’v ebeeninvolv edin

    numerou ssecretr aids

    onA l-Quae da,a

    ndIhav eove




    • Upvote 3
  2. What question do you really want to answer that nobody has asked yet?

    Favorite plane.



    How many fucks do you give as of now?

    How many fucks did you give when you first joined nerd.nu?

    When do you think you'll run out of fucks if not already? 




     Exactly 4.2


    Already have my friend. :Chicken:

  3. What's the largest animal from your country you think you could pick a fight with and win?

    How does an arachnophobe like you stand being living in a place that has god damn funnel web spiders?

    What other exploitable fears do you have?

    What do you think happend to MH-370?

    How often do you ear your national symbol?

  4. Is it true that you're too fat for /r/gonewild?

    What's it like living in a demon chicken's anus?

    Is Waldoism not for profit?

    The game.

    What do you say about the rumors that you only bought your way to the position of Head Priest of Waldoism by demonstrating your wealth by diving into a pit of $pudcoin, a la Scrooge McDuck?

    Do you like being nerd.nu's answer to /u/Unidan?

    What is your opinion on [insert relevant controversial topic here]?


    Nope, I'm a healthy weight. 5'11 155 Lbs.


    I like the view of south portal and Zombie pigmen make surprisingly good neighbors if you don't piss them off.


    Correct, we take what we need and give the rest to the Rose City treasury. In making a safe path up to the Waldo I encountered a substantial amount  quartz which was given to Rose as tribute for letting Waldoism continue to exist.


    Well played


    I wish I had that mush spud coin.


    I like it, /u/unidan is awesome.

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