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Everything posted by Bubba88

  1. I just got unbanned about a week ago for apparently lava spamming. The only lava ive ever placed was underground in my mine. Now i log back in after being unbanned well the ban is back. I havent done anything since then...
  2. Okay, Thanks. Ive read the rules and will abide by them more carefully from now on.
  3. Hi, i just got back from the holidays and it seems i was banned for block spamming? Just got back from holidays and i didnt do anything really. The closest thing to block spam must have been the foundation i put down for where i was going to build. A small remote (and empty) hill. ofcourse im low on material so i set blocks as a place keeper rather than an actual fence. This might have be taken as spam but it was just a founation.
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