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  1. Since the private grinder was built, on more than one occasion I have heard people in the public grinder claim, "The [public] grinder is working better than ever right now!" So it's obviously not making that big of a difference. The complete lack of Enderman is server lag, because I've seen both grinders full of endermen at the same time, everything working smoothly, and I've also seen both with no Endermen at the same time. There is no rule against private grinders, or building 100 grinders in the end for that matter, no rules were violated. And it's not really that much of a dick move, considering, as stated before, I've seen both grinders running smoothly (which by the way, from a set rule stand point, is completely ridiculous considering what is and isn't "being a dick" is entirely subjective, but that's somewhat unrelated) As for Redigox, yes he can be an ass sometimes, but the sole actions of Redigox as well do not represent Vinhaven, and you have no right to cite the incident between him and totemo as a mark against Vinhaven, he worked alone and did not inform the rest of us of his actions, as none of us would have approved. That fact has no business being include in this argument. Everyone keeps talking about how dickish Vinhaven is, but aside from a private grinder, which is shared by Atlantis, and has not made a substantial change to the overall End grinding experience, you haven't actually said much. Sorry if I've over lapped with previous statements, I typed this first then wait for others to post.
  2. I read both before posting, as instructed by the ban.
  3. Someone said something along the lines of "You would want a dick" to which I replied, "Ha, Gay," which was a popculture reference, not an insult to anyone: The person before me was actually being offensive, I was just making a reference, but because I used the word "gay" you got all upset. So if you wouldn't mind unbanning the bisexual kid for being "homophobic" that'd be great. EDIT: It was also officially totemo, Kisa had just messaged me before hand so I assumed it was him/her, I'm not sure if it matters.
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