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Everything posted by baileydigger

  1. I tried to just log in to play after a few years of not playing Minecraft and it says my account is permabanned for being alt. This is my only account and I just want to play.
  2. :O I had no idea, thanks for letting me know! I'll leave the issue alone now -_-
  3. I don't usually call him brother online cos then it gets weird. And of course the IP don't work in my favour, however login times should; it is almost impossible to be playing (AND chatting to him) at the same time, assuming it is an alt. I do admit that I have used alt's in the past but never had baileydigger or imamonkeycrafter shown to have been alt's, nor have they been alt's. I would really like to get back on your server's to continue my building, which in no way has imamonkeycrafter got anything to do with, besides the tunnel which was my idea and I asked him to continue it for me. All your "evidence" may point to alt accounts, but if you took the time to look further into evidence you will realise that you may actually be wrong. If you're not going to listen to me, can I speak to another admin to work this out! Getting really annoyed now...
  4. This is getting annoying. I wasn't permabanned though. I was banned for using multiple account; conqueror_shelly and baileydigger as alt accounts. Neither of which have been used by the owner of imamonkeycrafter. imamonkeycrafter is my brother and I can prove it if you need, neither of us use each others accounts though. Recently I noticed he was playing on your servers again and I thought I'd play as well, he got permabanned for spamming I'm pretty sure and I still continued to play. If this is an offence, to play minecraft with siblings, then punish me, but if it's not, please understand me; I've been playing with consistent times for the past week, before and after imamonkeycrafter was banned. The only alt accounts I HAD (I no longer have access to one) is conqueror_shelly and baileydigger, neither of which are permabanned; yet baileydigger's ban reason is alt of permabanned account. Please listen to me as I have, nor have I had, access to imamonkeycrafter's account, and vice versa. If you're going to stay persistent with the fact that I AM in fact an alt of imamonkeycraft, I will lose respect for you admin's and your server. I currently love your server and your admins who are doing a great job, it would be a shame to ruin it...
  5. I am not the same person. If it is possible can I talk to someone higher ranked than you to talk to about this. This is a real problem as I love the server and don't want to be banned for a misconception of "alt" account.
  6. I'm not exactly sure who you're talking about when you talking about being an alt account but I'll assume you mean imamonkeycrafter. We are actually different people, just friends IRL. He was banned, idk why, but I was using my account before he was banned as well as after. You may think I'm alt cos of the tunnel linking our lands, but that was my decision and I asked if we could do it becuase I thought it would be a cool idea. As well; if I'm an alt account, how could I have possibly been playing AND moving at the EXACT SAME TIME as him. It's pretty hard to use two keyboards at the same time. My email address is (redacted) which you can also find that the permabanned player will have a different email. Just letting you know, baileydigger is a payed account and I have had it since July last; why would anyone pay for two accounts just to alt? If there's anything you want to "prove" my being someone else, please email me. kthanks :)
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