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Everything posted by ne0codex
Isn't that what cities do anyway at the beginning of revs in the rush for portals? - There seems to be a lot of discussion that's revolving around "who gets to decide" and "is X building project" worth getting a portal. Maybe we don't need to re-invent the wheel... Maybe the answer is a simple as how we treat spawn. People can build *to* spawn and around it, but can't build AT spawn. Applying Spawn's rules to Nether Portals will: - prevent dead cities/projects from hoarding a main quadrant portal - prevent in-game disputes over portals - prevents cities treating players as resources towards getting a portal - prevent multiple players from the same city sending people to find all portals and thus giving them the ability to decide as to who gets the other portals. It allow: - those cities/projects/builders who want nether portal access to build infrastructure to the portal - and thusly, expand infrastructure. As far as portal placement goes.. let that be the mapmaker's decision.
Yes please. Some of us don't care to setup carbon networks, beginning communities probably won't, either, until they are sufficiently invested in the idea, so this is a good suggestion so that those who want focus on carbon can do so without hoarding spawn access to those who just want to build other stuff yet want to have non-carbon transit.
100% agree on this. This avoids the whole "admin favoritism" dilemma that's being discussed. With the current system, nether portals are awarded to those with the most amount of players who are in search of it, or just by sheer luck of finding a portal before anyone else, wouldn't it make more sense to reward 1 city/major build area in each quadrant a nether portal over a period of time? That way they actually become useful and promote the development of newer, larger building communities within the server. As far as the secret/extra portals go, I like the idea of one being a near-end-of-rev portal and others maybe placed in unique landscapes within the map. -- On previous revs, I could trust portal cities to be major hubs of activity, the areas of continuous development and areas with large, reliable, accessible inter-city city-to-city transportation. This rev, not so much, and it's going to be further exacerbated with next revs if nothing is changed.
> I feel like between free melons at spawn and UMC's effort to make large public farms surrounding spawn will negate the issue that new players will starve. New players won't be staying at spawn for long, when they venture out and explore either they join a city and thusly gain access to public resources or 2: deal with worldguard keeping everything nearby off-limits. Depending on how far they have to go to find a suitable place to build, NOT dying from hunger would be a plus. > There are also plenty of people on PvE who enjoy helping new players get started on the server. That's irrelevant. People can either ignore new players asking questions on chat or they can get bombarded with Join X Y or Z city. I would rather then player be able to independently explore the environment, builds and community within a game setting where they don't have to worry about hunger-death because they can't grow food fast enough. Like I said before, solely for the fact that people CAN die from hunger I am opposed to this.
I pretty much agree with all of these proposed rule changes, however, I can't help but feel that the 2nd proposed rule can be subject to abuse. Here's an example from the start of Rev 12: apparently there's a player who collected about 50 horses at the beginning of the rev. Maybe this was hyperbole in chat, maybe not, however, it is perfectly possible for people who act quickly in the beginning of the rev to hog up all rare resources, so will that be fair for those from smaller communities or the players who are not associated with the right "clique" within the server community? As much as PvE is about community, there are always those who will try to take advantage of the situation to favor their own agenda. I know I am talking in a hypothetical, but I do hope that in extreme cases of severe monopolizing, the staff will be allowed to make necessary changes to make the gameplay a little bit more fair for everyone so that we can all have fun in a respectful manner. *Just my 2 cents that I wanted to voice. I still agree with both proposed changes.
What's the url for it again? I can't seem to find it.
I suggest this poll to be announced on this subreddit so we can get a larger voting sample. I, for one, would vehemently oppose a hard mode on the PvE server because of death via hunger. From my perspective, the player that will be the most affected by this will be the new player (either new to multi-server game play or new to p.nerd.nu). In both instances, it's pretty easy to get overwhelmed–there's the server-specific rules, exploring spawn, figuring out where you can build, figuring out major hotspots, finding portals, reading chat and trying to get a vibe from the community, etc etc. I know personally that the lack of death via hunger was quite helpful in the beginning so I could establish a small camp, learn about nearby builds and get acquainted with other players. This isn't going to affect the player who are well-aware of how P works, players who are well established, players who are easily able to mine large amounts of resources or players who are part of major cities where public resources are available to them–these players will feel non of the burden. Independent builders and less experienced players will be the ones to really feel a hard-mode on P. This hard-mode suggestion sounds better suited for S where the whole point is in survival. I consider P to be more of a community and/or building-based server so this quite honestly seems like it would be an unnecessary nuisance.
Clay. It's going to be the most popular block and if it isn't addressed, everyone will complain about it from day one. A custom mesa biome (http://i.imgur.com/BbjsqtM.jpg) would be cool with hardened clay above ground and unsmelted clay underground. That or extra clay plumping in the oceans. Image from: http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/1d3yqc/i_wanted_to_see_how_hard_clay_looked_in_terrain/c9morcp Edit: speeling. Addendum: I agree with Ozomahtlii's suggestion of the corner portals being in fixed, uniform distances away from Spawn, in a way, that helps validate having the other secret portals be off in cool terrain that's wayyy further aways from the centre of the map.
One thing I'd like to mention is that I liked Rev 10's ore distribution where it was vanilla in the center and the outer portion plumped, IMO it can help spread out cities by giving them an additional incentive to build out father away from spawn.
I agree with Troop's sentiments, also, raising the difficulty is regressive, independent builders will see more the effects of a harder difficulty than those who are part of big cities, which in a way seems unfair from that perspective.