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Member (1/1)



  1. My password has been changed although I don't think at any point my account was compromised.
  2. I have read the rules and agree to follow them thanks for allowing me a second chance. I am different then when I was in 2012.
  3. IGN ( in game name ) : drnose21 Screenshot of ban screen : Why do you think you got banned or muted? : I was caught griefing. What was the date of your ban roughly? : over a year ago Why should we unban or unmute you? : I should be unbanned because I griefed the server over a year ago. I have since stopped griefing because I believe it is childish and disrespectful. I would like to apologize to anyone's builds that I messed up and I hope to be unbanned. Regards, -drnose21
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