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Everything posted by achamilton

  1. See, when a friend gets mad at another, things go down. I was playing on MY OWN server one day.The person that helped me make the server had told me to de-op some one with the user: Joshuashirley. So, I did. Considering the helper knew more than I did. So, the next day, me and Joshua were in call and i suggested we play on my server. We did, then soon he realized he was de-op'd. He got pissed and started talking in the Chat of Minecraft instead of using his voice in the Call. He got mad, and left. I removed him from the call because he said some pretty mean things in that chat. Later on, (about an hour or so) he came on and said "Lol, (my real name) the funniest thing happened today." It happens that the helper in the server was nice enough to stand up for me, and he banned Joshua. About 15 minutes later, he told me in private skype messages that he got me banned from c.nerd.nu. Soon, I got pissed, and raged at him. Me and one of my friends superscott555 or scott, felt a little silly and decided to change Joshua's password. (He told me his and i told him mine). The next day, he realized we changed it, so my friend scott couldn't hold it in. He told him the password to his account, and I changed my password. Lesson Learned: Never let even your closest friends that go to school with you, your password to Minecraft. I am sorry this happened, and i promise it will never happen again. I wont tell him my password either. I'm sorry for what he said, and I'm also sorry for this long post..
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