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Posts posted by cmdrtebok

  1. Well when we started the servers the stated purpose was transparency. You can't be both transparent and hold server business in secret. Remember the admins and mods do not own the servers they are only running it trust for the players. Even if it is better in some cases it is against the fundamental philosophy we started with. This is related to why I would prefer mumble to discord. Further the ban appeals should basically only be a request and a yes or no. If you are finding that you need to type out long explanations to players don't bother. This was never supposed to be ammunition for drama just an acknowledgement of the rules and reintegration.

    We did historically have issues with people being unfair in appeals. I really honestly can't pull out specifics from server drama from up to 7 years ago so please just believe me. 

    In terms of the legacy data I don't see a problem with it being public in perpetuity. I have found it quite easy over 7 years to never be banned despite getting into a literal flamewar with you in particular once. So that is really on them.  



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  2. http://wiki.nerd.nu/wiki/Staff


    Is this even up to date? Look I like Cyotie911 as a person and his pet alligator but like does he sign into the server? Maybe people can't get a good response around here because the people who are in charge are no-shows


    I really want an answer as to why Zomise isn't an Admin? It isn't a promotion or anything like that, this person is always online, posting to the subreddit, running breeding programs, what are you waiting for? Cyotie911 and MrLoud who I have never met in all these years to give her some kind of anointment? Get real this is a game of blocks let people help you and the community fully.


    Why is it Four_Down and RoastNewt can pop up Minecraft servers that are profitable with player bases when we are happy if there are 30 people playing on one server?


    Why didn't anyone reach out and combine with "Junction" or whatever that was a few years ago?


    How come in all this time you guys never came out with any swag, t-shirts, mugs or anything to get some money together and make people excited about this? The only physical memorial I have of this I have is the Team AVO shirts that we got as jokes when I was an admin. 

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  3. So from Sapphiric's comments it seems like you guys are totally cool with this. I guess I will just play single player.


    Tobylane ugh god damn it. I know you aren't actually interested because among the many criticisms is having people who don't play involved. When was the last time you logged in?


    However The plan is simple. No duplication of head and server admins. Have more overall plain old admins. Trust them to do the right thing, don't make people feel like they are walking on eggshells, that just delays response. If everyone is short on time its ok to have 10 or 15 admins. Just write down what it is you are doing.


    Remove all the red tape. Get rid of duplicate services and have all discussion in the forums.


    Move IRC out of Gamesurge. It is dead.


    Have even more mods in total. Promote people quickly with in days/weeks of playing so they actually want to help. 


    Ditch the custom plug ins and gameplay modes you can't support in a reasonable timeframe. Nerd.nu was always supposed to be on the latest version. We should be running snapshots so newer players will come. 

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  4. Look man, I am sorry to her specifically it wasn't her fault that this has gone so sour. I am not a nice person and when I ask someone to leave me alone and forget something its generally best policy to do so. She bore the brunt of 30 minutes of wasted time and extreme disappointment. So yeah Zomise I am sorry however, I'm not sorry for my threads and they aren't actually directed at her


    Guys, when we designed the admin and mod system the community was much bigger. The players are gone but the bureaucracy remains. 


    You say everyone is lovely but that isn't the experience of players on the server. The trolling in the chat goes unchecked often and actual discussion (you know the kind of stuff that builds community) is censored for being "political" or "take it to clan chat"... That is not how you build a community server. I'm constantly being treated by your mods this way for no reason, so yeah after wasting time and already solving my problems sometimes people aren't amenable to being asked questions. The situation was really really clear if someone dug that hole to role it back or otherwise tell me there is nothing you can do. That is a better way to handle things.


    Everyone here so so worried to rock the boat no one sees that it is sinking. Barney's thread about "we lost" was over a YEAR ago and nothing was addressed. I'm not sitting here waxing romantic about the past, I actually until last week played here, donated, followed the rules, helped out new players when I could so yeah I'm upset when no one can help and all discussion goes into a black hole.


    I didn't find out about the Go server until it was already dead. Survival is gone. What is really good? 


    It is funny Barney replied to my last thread, the funny thing is I have always agreed with him but not his methods. I haven't opened up a subreddit to call you guys out nor am I signing into systems with passwords that should have been changed. I just want to see you guys actually do something, ANYTHING to change the course you are on.


    -Ditch the server/head admin thing, have more just plain admins. Why isn't zomise an admin for example? Are you going to wait for another person who helps out to burn out before promoting them?


    -Understand people disappear, remove them


    -Make the modding more automatic


    -Don't promise what you can't deliver


    I mean I've seen so many meetings and threads that go no where. This is another one. Yes I have emotions, sorry. My time is extremely limited and I'm dedicating it to this, obviously I care but frankly after 6 years it looks hopeless until some of the admins here change the rules whole sale. 

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  5. Also where the fuck are the head admins. Kick out people who don't play.


    Edit I would like to have a conversation but looking at the last thread you guys lack the capacity. I am happy to discuss too if we can actually come to a conclusion that will be acted on. Otherwise you can add this to the last thread of lock this if you want. This is my peace and I wanted a place to be able to say it. Thanks.

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  6. It is locked so you guys get a new post:


    I was mad because I wasted about 25 minutes digging out my horse after being greifed only to get a late response and incredibly inane questioning about breaking a wood halfslab on the road. This was the day before my vacation and a time I was looking forwards to playing only to waste it digging up.


    If you actually look at the chat when I figured out Zomise wasn't going to help I told her to forget it and close the req, she refused that and bothered me when I was already mad until I told her to fuck off. That is the part I really meant by you guys suck at modding. 


    Look fine, you have no capacity to tp out horses but why not. You say you can't spend all day tping horses? Do you guys not have any discretion? I have a large build on the server and am generally cooperative and I lost 30 minutes of time because I was greifed how is this good modding? Why is it we had one community meeting in months and it was dominated by user issues of people being upset about how you guys mod and about the rule regime you guys have set up? 


    The exact example here is why the fuck not to protect under a city like Rose, there is literally no downside. Even making people consider putting fences underground is absolutely inane.


    When we started this server the ENTIRE POINT WAS FOR THERE TO BE NO BULLSHIT 


    AllnaturalX in particular hated being jailed when you start to read rules no one cares about for a tp or whatever, yet here we are a few years later, using my donations in his name with a spawn where you are jailed until you find the inane trick to get out. That sucks. The rules are supposed to be really simple "Don't be a dick head" why is there this sprawling constitution? If you don't like rule lawyering fucking ignore those people but when players who have dedicated a LOT of time and a LOT of money to this institution only to waste 30 minutes digging out a horse you cause me to lose confidence. I will never give you guys another cent until this is fixed. Sure I am not one of the largest donors you have but I mean I spent about a thousand dollars over 4 years and I have a locked thread and a dick response from Zomise to show for it. Thanks


    You guys have so many mods and no one around to help, there is a large amount of red tape involved which is rediculous. Fine you have no plans on changing that. I'm so sorry to see this end like this.




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  7. Someone lured my horse from wandering around into a cave then dug all the way down a 2x2 pit then pillared up to the surface.


    I found my horse with hgps. It took my 20 minutes to dig this thing out. The tunnel when I got to it was sealed and I don't remember where the exact blocks were. A horse TP would have saved my mornings worth of Minecraft time. 


    The level of density exhibited in my interaction with the mod was unbelievable. After I realized they had no intention of helping I asked them to forget it. They then pestered me with questions and reminding me to fix a 1 block break I did on a road when I was digging out of the pit. I was in the middle of digging my horse out. These were closed with a "No way to tell if malicious" OK thanks for nothing. You could have just ended that entire action with a "nothing I can do" instead of pestering me several times about a 1 block break on the surface while I was annoyed. 


    This is just one interaction, almost every time something happens that isn't related to a robotic worldguard task you guys suck at it, completely unwilling to help and make the game better for people while relying on the rules of non interference with obvious trolls and disruptions. Seriously this happens pretty often. 


    And what the hell was with that meeting. What is the point of bring up your tiny nuances to room for 45 people about fences underground. Who cares. Why are you guys so strict? Why did we have to refrain from taking about an exact incident. That whole conversation gave me PTSD from being an admin here. 


    Anyway I'm done for now I guess I got Minecraft out of my system again for a while but seriously no wonder Survival closed forever, you guys have to shake this up a bit or close the doors. 


    Edit: Preemptive I don't care about what Tobylane thinks about this. 

    • Upvote 4
  8. You know full well how we enforce the no sexism, racism or homophobia rule. Don't pretend like you didn't know you can't say "fag" on the server in ANY context. I don't want to hear it, it isn't up for debate and despite what you think and feel I know for a fact that this language makes some members of the community uncomfortable. One of the main reasons some of my real life friends play on these servers is because they don't have to be subjected to that all the time as if they are playing xbox live. 


    I am also not going to get into a technicality fight with you about specific rules you can feel free to look them up yourself. This isn't the kind of ban appeal that gets you unbanned. All you had to do is say you wouldn't do it again and not appear to be trolling. 

  9. The Don't Be A Dick rule is from a different time. Back in the classic/early alpha days not more than 20 people played on MCPublic. It was the only rule we had. Towards September/October 2010 we became a large server, possibly the largest at that time, and that necessitated writing other rules. We kept that one around as a grandfathered in.


    When I was admin we rewrote the rules again around the end of 2011. We left that rule in again as a catch all to cover the people who need to be banned but didn't break one specific rule. It is supposed to give the head admins discretion above and beyond the letter of the rules. 

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  10. Well I am of two minds. I feel that if you build some kind of base or grinder or something that requires LWC access to operate or enter then it is not allowed. However on the other hand I built an automatic brewing machine that uses a locked chest. When it was a regular button people would just press it over and over to gum up the machine and make it inoperable. In this case I am not using LWC for anything more than protecting my items which is what we use LWC for. So I guess I feel that it is context dependent. 


    Also in this case I mean the only other answer is to not build this machine which is kind of crap when you think about it we have certain protections on the server to protect items but you cant use them to protect your items. What is the point of playing on this server if the things I build are rendered inoperable. On top of that the gumming of the machine is another example of "grief as much as you can within the letter of the rules" which is really shouldn't be encouraged. 

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  11. I said this on the subreddit but I think it bears repeating especially if something can be for about it. A lot of the red stone devices I'd like to prototype and build depend on item drops and growth; both of which are disabled on the creative server. In potatoville on survival we have a massive potato operation and a new machine which harvests, sorts out the poison potatos, pipes them to the auto baker which is also hooked to a self starting charcoal maker and then drops potatoes to the main floor. This would be hard to demonstrate on c unfortunately

  12. As a very long time s player on more alt accounts than I can remember I agree with Luke. Also I think vanilla pvp is kind of stale. I do not think a pve server with pvp areas will help which is by far the most common suggestion when these kind of talks happen on the subreddit and I am tired if hearing it. Thanks for leaving it out.

    I think we should go for a revision with the factions plugin. We don't have to commit to anything for all time. Just a 2 or 3 month trial and see how it goes.

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  13. I'm also against discussion being on the forums, it can quickly and suddenly turn into bile and shit slinging, as we've seen all too often in the past, heck its even happening now. 


    That is what happens on the subreddit except we have no control over it and its all people who never post otherwise with their nicknames. Often times on the subreddit there are only two or three active community members and even less staff who comment meanwhile it gets overwhelmed with people who have bones to pick and hide behind anonymity. Part of the reason is that the "discussions" on the subreddit last one or two days MAXIMUM. Not everyone gets to sign in every day and spend hours on a thread. Some issues take more then one day to think about and if you wait that long the thread is dead and no one will ever read it.


    Look at TornadoHorses poll thread on the forum vs any survival discussion we have ever had on the subreddit. It is far better.


    Lastly Tolgar you aren't exactly active in these kinds of discussions, I fail to see why you would opposed to trying it. When we used to have the old forums with discussion it worked great. It was a short sighted move to kill the forums when they were the most active and move it all to the subreddit in the first place. We never recovered that level of discourse again and now we are severely hurting in reputation and ideas. At least this is something to try. If it doesn't work out it isn't like we are deleting the subreddit.


    Why did we buy these new forums if we aren't even going to spotlight their features. 

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