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  1. I got banned for general inappropriate server actions. I realise that moderators were spending a lot of time moderating me and I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused them and anyone else ; I won't do it again. I went and reread the rules again just to be sure. (Before a mod criticises me for making yet another ban appeal I'd like to say that this time I was told by a mod to appeal again)
  2. greeting, am apologise for bad england. i am recently expellings from server because happen. could possibly request to maybe noban when?
  3. Hi I'd like to make another ban appeal and request a different staff member to handle it this time because of mod abuse.
  4. I posted a ban appeal earlier and none of the mods gave me an actual valid reason for why I was banned. Points brought forth by the mods : 1. Osama bin Laden / Stalin skin - Head admin SirTacoface was fully aware of me having the Stalin skin and did not deem it necessary to talk to me about it or tell me to remove it. 2. A picture of a Mumble chat log - As I said in that thread, that picture is evidence of something someone who may or may not be me did on Mumble, they did not even investigate if it was me, just making a knee-jerk ban reaction ; and even if it was me, Rule breaking on Mumble should warrant a Mumble ban and not a server ban. 3. Fake staff complaint : That message wasn't sent as a "supposed staff complaint" to the admins, but it was sent directly to SirTacoface, who I've known for more than a year and thought he would understand it as a joke. Even then, this was done post-ban and is completely irrelevant to the situation at hand. Link to the ban appeal thread in question : https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/3724-livold-mrloud15/#entry30208
  5. So the one reason you have for banning me is for a thing someone that may or may not be me did on Mumble (which doesn't justify a server ban) The other reason you stated was post-ban. I'd appreciate an actual justifiable reason for why you banned me.
  6. I would like to know why I'm banned
  7. "Banned for doing stuff on Mumble" Oh shit are you gonna ban me for posting nudes on /r/NSFW too?
  8. I've gotten band for using a racial slur. I do realise some people are offended by these slurs but I only used it when just me and 2 of my friends who were both in on the joke were online. It was not used in an offensive way towards any of the players or in an insultin or degrading fashion. I would like to apologise for any inconvenience I may have caused and beg you to unban me. If you choose not to I completely understand.
  9. Thank you for being so understanding.
  10. I have gotten banned for finding and posting personal information. I am aware of the mistake I have made but I ask you to consider that I have been banned for quite a long time now and the info that I posted was only the first name of a mod and I only posted it in a modreq. But still I am fully aware that it was not right and that I should not have done it and if you give me a second chance I will not do it again.
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