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Everything posted by TwoPoint

  1. I'm TwoPointInfinity. I joined the server a few days ago. I know the cords to my given temp location x120 y-120. The server is alot of fun but hard to understand, I was banned for xraying. I believe i had about 30-40 diamonds and quite alot of gold. Please, I assure you, I did not xray for them. I dug toward the bedrock beneath the area in which i lived and there is this MASSIVE strip mine, where ever 2 blocks is dug out for almost hundreds of blocks. I must have walked all of them and got every singe left behind gold because i know i had about 8 gold blocks. I was on all morning doing this, from about 5am-11am. I then found this railway system, there was.. alot of rails. wow, it was incredible. I rode around for awhile until i saw diamonds aginst the wall. I assumed since the area was protected i couldn't get them, but i just had to find out, lol i was abte to mine them. If you asked me to show you where this was i couldn't never find it again, i was so lost on those rails i had to dig back to the surface and follow my cords. This is where it begun. There was about 6-7 diamonds in just that one, i was like "woah". I started a straight line of mining for about 70 blocks, then i took a turn i think left and kept on i going that way. Before i had ever made that left turn i had found 2 more diamond ore stashes. one of them was the cube of 8. other... idk. but i do remember once i took that left i almost immediately found even more diamonds, but it was like 2 of the diamond ore stashes where merged together. I mined all around them and i think there was about 12. then i continued mining.. i mean i literally was just strip mining even more just through out my 3 hour journey of just mining. once i got about 40 diamonds i said to myself "I dont want to die with this many diamonds, wait.. where am I?" Then i headed home, i got even more diamonds on my way up to the surface.. I still wonder if there was an admin or mod just placing diamonds in front of me, I've never seen so much in just one trip. I really dont want to be banned from the server, me and a few other friends have been live streaming on twitch.tv on this server and it would be so sad if they had to play without me, I'm the guy with the tree farm. I give you my word, i dont use any type of against the rules mods. I have Optifine, that's it. If you want to take all my diamonds, i dont have a problem with that. Wait am I being trolled? Is this some new punk'd for minecraft? Like, someone gets me to mine alot of diamonds, they ban me and see how i cry? oh god that would be funny. Oh, well thanks for reading, hope i get unbanned. I'm not to worried, i have a server of my own to tend to in the mean time so i can wait. Bye.
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