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Posts posted by PeteLucas

  1. @elbeau

    Surely removing PvP related enchantments would create this middle ground we're after alongside removing the tedious grind.

    Sadly this would make fights quite short. So by plumping up armour HP against player damage (maintain blast, fire and fall damage alongside damage from skeletons AMD wither attacks) you will allow for longer fights. This would also stop people killing with stone swords as even though the difference in attack is say only 4DMG between stone and diamond, when you're looking at having to deal 800DMG, that would equate to twice as many hits.

    Of course, allow fire resistance, feather falling and blast resistance to armour though.

  2. This isn't really a test though is it.

    I keep reading about how it's a test and things may change. But for what its worth people are having to play like this. Its not a case of having a parallel server with the new testy stuff being done on it. This is the server now. This is classed as a revision.

    Without a test end date in sight either its hard to not see these as permanent changes.

    Also, I've only seen talk of tweaking a few things, not going back of trying anything else.

    How are we rated our success here also? Is it on user numbers? If so then well done. We've made S popular by copying someone else and splitting their market share.

    • Upvote 1
  3. I'm not attacking people. AMD it isn't like a real war. I only made that comparative as a means of stirring up some anarchy ha.

    Basically I really care about this server and remained on this server (and almost only this server) for so many years because of how it was built.

    I loved the LWC and safe bucket mods. The rules were great. Perhaps don't be a dick was loose. But otherwise it was amazing.

    I thought that enchanting on weapons was unnecessary. Especially with a plump as you either PvP with no armour or a fully enchanted armour set. So why not take out the unnecessary step of adding the enchants. Just buff the base stats.

    But seeing the server change so drastically away from what the previous 24 (25 if you count the PvP killing rev of random spawns and no roads) were like, it makes me wonder why I would to stay. Its not the server the existing user base has been playing.

    Its like buying a chocolate brand for years and enjoying it. Sure maybe its a little samey and you may not buy it for a month. But you still enjoy it. Then the company making it suddenly say "Now it has raisins and coffee flavours!". They don't rebrand it as NOW WITH RAISINS AND COFFEE. Just allow people to have been pretty warned at that one press conference they did. People will buy this chocolate and take a bite and think "What the shit is this!?" Other may quite like the alteration. But you can't expect the peoples response to be overwhelmingly positive. You've got a hold of the ball and rather run with it and continuing to play. You've decided to kick it over the fence to the other people playing a different game.

    • Upvote 1
  4. None of us are planning on destroying the survival server. Its already gonna be destroyed enough with these upcoming changes. It's no longer the survival we know and love. It's a civicraft clone. So of anything was attacked during this revision its not us attacking our beloved survival. It's attacking the changes made.

    Furthermore. If people did decide to start banging down diamond protected obsidian right in someone doorway. Then whack lava all over it. Well. Its part of the game. They can check their snitch and come try and get vengeance. Though I doubt hours of work being fucked up over a person being killed once or twice is nothing.

    Look at all the unrest around the world today because people are being told what's right and what's wrong for them. Governments are being overthrown. And though its very VERY far removed. If we don't like the server we will show you how much by fucking shit up and protesting for what we want. Its a very sad and petty thing but there's people who have played and loved this server much longer and much more than you who never had the chance themselves to improve it who are having their beloved S.nerd.nu server changed and bastardised.

    If the success of this is measured on user counts, regardless of whether you out most of the community who were here before it, then its a sad day.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Haha! Brilliant.

    I've just been looking over past discussion threads and its pretty call to have seen That one put forward a few ideas of mine in the past taken from the subreddit. They were all ignored. But still. Proof that I do take part and offer ideas. Ha, she said my three parallel roads on each axis idea (creating alleys and preventing huge builds close to spawn) was a unique idea. Would still like to see that someday. Shit. I'd like to see an actual spawn again..

    Anyway. I can't even find posts made by my old account. So I guess it got deleted somehow during the archiving of posts? Anyway. Who cares.

    I've played on this server long enough to see how differently managed the server is. It seems the current peeps in charge want the server to be hands off. No modreqs. No briefing to fix. No spawn or arena to create.


    I'm over all of this now. Come 10pm Saturday night when the server restarts we can play and see how it is.

    Perhaps it will be fun. Perhaps it will be populated with people abusive g the frailties of the proposed plans. Who knows.

    Hopefully though of it DOES fail, the sadmins won't cling to it and allow it to continue for too long..

    • Upvote 1
  6. "That I really liked"

    So because you liked it it happened.

    Christ. So many people have complained about server lengths being too long. And even without the complaints its logical to assume the longer it goes on the more stale it becomes.

    • Upvote 1
  7. I did actually have an account from waaaay back. For one reason or another I couldn't for the life of me remember the log on credentials. Perhaps later I'll try to log on with it.

    @BCB228 IMO it would be easier to take the PvE server and just add PvP. Rather than bastardise the S server.

    @jmlmprrt I think you missed my point. Totemo said that we need numbers so we can get donations from them so it can be put forward to pay towards the costs of the server itself. My point is as so, why change the server functionality and purpose just to get numbers so it can receive donations so it can survive if it isn't even doing the things it set out to do. Its existing for the sake of it.

    And I agree. It does matter what the server offers. In fact, for 24 revisions the server managed to offer quite a similar product. Rev 25 deviated a tad, but still. It was a predominantly PvP lead survival server.

    The upcoming rev 26 is nothing alike the previous incarnations. So people logging on expected anything similar will be very disappointed and in my mind its an insult to even have it in the revision counts!

    Edit: I've tried finding my old account but it seems to just be gone. I had used it to contest a ban about 3 years ago. So it is pretty old. However. I did not often check this forum.

    I read the mcpublic Reddit everyday however and did not see the post relating to the server discussions. If I had perhaps I would have taken part and had my ideas ignored there also. Ha. Nah just kidding. I'm sure my points would have been listened too and thoughtfully considered..

    • Upvote 3
  8. Yeah I get that. Most of my friends play modified single player and such.

    If the server needs to stop being a vanilla survival server and starts being a citadel based revision then so be it. But I think the server should be repackaged as such as well. Revision count should start again as should the subreddit and info pages regarding it.

    Perhaps we could put a revision onto event.nerd.nu which runs a temporary vanilla-esque version. That way we can see how the two servers compare. Eventually lose the least popular or responsive one.

  9. I'm just more dumbfounded about the whole thing.

    The server will be unrecognisable going forward. But what's worse is it won't fix the issue of no PvP.

    There's no PvP because nobody wants or even has the time, bar a select few, to spend hours mining, grinding levels, hit and missing the correct enchants, etc, just to risk losing it all if you lose a match. How heartbreaking is it to know those hours of labour aren't coming back.

    If you remove that necessity, you will have people taking their chances more.

    Fuck. You could even have the stats of diamond armour the same as that with Protection 4 if you want the fights to last a long time.

    Its ridiculous to think that the server needs members just so it can exist. In any shape or form.

    No. We didn't play on this just because its a server built from a Reddit community.

    We played on this server because it was a close to vanilla survival PvP!!!

    Are people expecting users to stay with all these changes?!

    Its a shame this bothers me so much.. I wish I could just switch off and accept these changes.

    But I can't. Spent too many years on this server, enjoying its ways to see it get fucked up.

    • Upvote 5
  10. So what you're saying Totemo is that it needs numbers to exist just so it can continue to exist? Doesn't matter what it offers, as long as people donate to suppliment it's existence..

    That is a disgusting view.

    If the server was out to make money, then sure. Fill your boots. Do whatever.

    But initially the server was there to perform a task. Offer an as close to vanilla survival server that offers PvP as possible.

    If we can't offer that, then why continue to flog it?

    What you're suggesting is doing g whatever it takes for it to survive whilst fulfilling no purpose.

    If in three years everyone wants Neon pink textures with Viking weaponry and rifles where no mining or crafting just takes place. Would you again change the server so it has the numbers so it can continue to get donations so it can continue to exist?

    I hate to say it, but if the server can't remain as it was supposed to and it can't be afforded to exist.. Then let it die with a little dignity man.

    • Upvote 2
  11. Originally there was Football (Football Association)

    Then came Rugby Football (Rugby Football League and Rugby Football Union).

    Then Football came to America (American Football Association).

    THEN came American Football as it is known today (no real governing body, however NFL has the monopoly).

    The AFA was unrecognised by FIFA and was disbanded leaving American Football as we know it today to hold the title of 'football'.

    Real football was then given the name Soccer as in asSOCiation football.

    And there's your history.

    The AFA (which played real football with their feet) is older than the American Football of today.

    • Upvote 1
  12. But the decision ultimately came down to a few people who are able to put significance to their own ideas and ignore others.

    I doubt anywhere in the discussion did the vast majority of players choose this new set of game modifications.

    Its overly involved and detrimental to the whole point of what we're trying to achieve. A well populated, PvP, survival server. Not another citadel mod server amongst hundreds scattered around the wastes of the internet.

    The recent discussions on r/mcpublic has shown that almost everyone is reacting negatively to the current and future state of the server and positive to the ideas I've put forward here.

    I really feel that a referendum should be had on this. Otherwise you will lose a lot of players who probably won't return any time soon. Especially considering there is no end date set for this "experiment".

    • Upvote 4
  13. May as well give this sucker a go whilst it's still active.


    Have had more and more people (and all the students at the school I work) compare me to Johnny Depp. Especially with my new specs.

    I ain't complaining.

    This photo is probably a week or two old now mind you.

    I've grown a musketeer style mustache and shaved the goatee off. Yknow. For shits and giggles. Ha.

    • Upvote 3
  14. Can we please just go back to how the server once was..

    If you check the mcpublic reddit posts regarding the new direction people are really unresponsive. Veteran players all hold the same views that the open grief and lack of ruling will kill the server. And trust me, these server vets know their shit as most have been around twice as long as the current server staff. Myself included.

    We aren't a citadel server. We're a survival server.

    A suggestion I have posted about is to strip back the game a tad and allow it to accommodate a pick up and play approach a little better.

    PvP was rife before the adventure update as anyone could quickly craft armour and weapons and run out to hunt for someone.

    As soon as enchants and spells were introduced the onous was onto getting a grinder, getting god swords and armour, then getting tanked up on buffs and then and only then, going out. When the majority of your gameplay is spent idling at a grinder and trialling and erroring enchants, of course PvP and user count will die.

    My suggestion is to completely remove all PvP related spells and enchants.

    Swords can still have Bane of Arthropods, Looting, Unbreaking etc But Sharpness, Fire Aspect and Knock back should go.

    Bows can perhaps keep Infinity, though this may even be brought into question.. The rest.. Gone.

    Armour should remove Protection and leave the rest.

    All other enchants related to mining will stay and still be useful when it comes to getting your resources.

    Spells which buff a players strength and life regeneration or harm another should go. Keeping Invisibility and Swiftness for example can really bring some stealth style killing into play.

    Of course what would be necessary alongside this is a rebalancing of the in game items stats. No longer should a stone sword be able to batter an iron clad player. Leather armour should also not be entirely useless. Gold should even be brought into the fray and made a suitable step between iron and diamond.

    Working out the perfect balance of stats for this would be a toughie. But there are ample people out there who are willing and able to help. I'm sure the rebalancing has even been done before somewhere.

    The random spawns and spawn in beds should be totally removed as these REALLY do not help with encouraging PvP. Safe buckets should also be reinstated. As should anti griefing and revised don't be a dick rules. And the roads. The roads MUST come back!!

    To prevent spawn camping I have an idea which should help.

    Create quite a large spawn, circular in shape, which has the look and feel of a village.

    There could be places for meetings to be held in game. Clan halls. Rule museums. A redstone museum demonstrating redstone engineering examples and so on.

    This area will be entirely no PvP. Anyone spawning inside this area is immune to attack for the duration of being inside it. Leaving and reentering the spawn however does not enable the no PvP again for you. Not until you die and spawn inside it.

    Because the spawn will be quite large (and perhaps even raised on a double platform encased by a protected ring road and its main road system which MUST be returned!!) Players who have been killed can exit in any direction and away from any likely spawn campers.

    A suggestion could be to even harm players who reenter the spawn area with poison, preventing them wanting to pearl into the spawn and buddy up with their victim awaiting them to drop into the PvP zone.

    I believe these suggestions will allow players to join the server at any points during its revisions life, spend an hour gathering resources, then get straight into the fray with PvP and survival.

    Can these suggestions please be discussed and directions altered if the response for them is positive please. So far, these suggestions on the subreddit have gone down well.

    • Upvote 10
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