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Everything posted by jjoe2012

  1. Hey, I read the rules. Just to clarify agian, I thought that looking through blocks was part of the game, not a cheat. I understand why it is, in fact cheating. When I said x-ray hacks i meant to say x-rays (sorry). Sorry that I did this, and I really hope I can get back on soon. Thanks. -jjoe2012 P.S. I have re-read all the rules again.
  2. I was banned for xray hacks, but I actuly used the redstone block glitch. At the time, I thought I could, because I thought it was part of the game, not a cheat. I am sorry that I did this, and hope I can get back on soon. Thanks for understanding. -jjoe2012
  3. I went to long on today, and I was greeted with a message saying I was banned for using x-rays. I was very puzzled by this, seeing as I have never used x-rays at all, least of all on this server. After reading the rules again, I saw that I have been banned for a month? Please allow me to play again as I really enjoy this server and hope to play agian ASAP. Just to recap, I have never used x-ray or ore detection mods/texture packs. Thanks, jjoe2012
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