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  1. Number of people playing does not equal the number of people who enjoy/approve of the changes. If a boring library installed kegs in every room, it may attract more people. Does that mean it's a good idea? Not necessarily.
  2. So, I'm gonna try and keep this as brief as possible. I lasted played Minecraft back in like Rev 20 or so, and got the urge to play again yesterday. I reinstalled Minecraft and hopped on this subreddit to read up on the changes, only to find tons of people enraged at the changes and really upset. I thought to myself "*Why are people complaining? So much more freedom! No more modreqs for flowing water/lava!*" So I read through all the wikis and tips and tricks for the new changes. I opened up the server and set out for a location to build. I knew that due to the changes you had to make your base remote and inconspicuous. After several deaths I found the perfect place, a jungle biome about 3000 blocks away from spawn. So I dug down to make my base at bedrock. I spent several hours mining, setting everything up, protections/reinforcements on chests, everything. After about 6-8 hours of playtime I had my bedrock base, 2700~3000 blocks from spawn, with two chests each reinforced with diamond. Considering these facts AND the fact that I hadn't seen a single person in my 6-8 hours of playtime, I thought I was more than okay. So I'm getting something out of my chest when... fire. I think to myself "what the fuck?" and run away. At this point I'm at half health, on fire, still trying to get my sword out, and see that someone had dug down into my base and poured lava on me, then proceeded to kill me. I click respawn and appear at my bed only for them to surround my bed with cobble and kill me. Cool, now I'm back to square zero. I die to a spider and respawn and appear at my bed, only to see the guy who killed me along with 4-5 others standing around my chests whacking away at them to destroy the reinforcement, then they kill me again. Several people suggested to /modreq as it "sounded like hacking" but considering that the people who did it are well known on the server, I highly doubt it. Apparently they used snitch blocks, which I still don't fully understand how there happened to be one at bedrock ~3000 units away from spawn where I randomly built. Anyway, that's my experience on the server. To be honest it killed my desire to play completely, even more so than when I used to play (Rev 20-ish). It doesn't make sense to start against and spend another 6-8 hours or more playing only to have the same thing happen again, and as far as I know, there's nothing I could have done to stop it. tl;dr: 1. Ran ~3000 units from spawn 2. Dug to bedrock 3. Spent 6-8 hours mining, reinforcing, etc... 4. Get randomly found by "snitch block" and gangbanged by group of thugs 5. Sigh EDIT: I know the "it's pvp, get over it" arguments are coming. And I get it, it is, you're right. But these changes were made to the server in order to make it better/more popular, and I'm telling you it has made the experience *worse*. If I want to be able to play solo, I should be able to do so without being hamstrung. EDIT2: Oh cool, I got back to my [base](http://i.imgur.com/FdJ53TK.png). Looks like it only took them a few minutes to take my diamond-reinforced chests as well as grief my base. My Suggestions: Restore modreqs and punishments for *obvious* griefing. If you look in the picture above, obviously filling my base with blocks I can't destroy is griefing. Taking someone's stuff is not. Remove these snitch blocks Allow people to lock chests like before (even if limited to 1 or 2)
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