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Everything posted by Clsauer

  1. I know, i was aware that using homophobic slurs was against the rules of the server and it slipped my better judgement.
  2. I called someone who was spamming things about AVO being awesome a faggot. I am very sorry and i will not make any homophobic slurs again.
  3. I know that i broke rules on NSFW builds and own up to it but i did not grief which is why i am banned. And how long of a ban am i looking at for NSFW builds? I really want to get back to the server...
  4. No one has gotten back to me about this, I'm still banned because of a misunderstanding
  5. Yes i indeed made those NSFW pixel arts. I did not however grief that wood house. it was me and a friend's build. I had his permission to convert and protect the area. i was joking around with the NSFW pixel art and i realize that it is very immature. It is easily fixable though and i would be glad to remove it.
  6. Some guy named terry and me were gonna build a graveyard in that lot but he started building some weird wood thing so i got his permission to take it down then i protected it and made a cemetary.
  7. That was my land though, it was protected under my name. The person who built the wood structure was me and a friend but then i built my graveyard.
  8. I just barely finished my cemetary and out of no where i was banned....No warning, talk with a mod, anything like that. Just banned. I haven't broken any rules that i know of and im really frustrated that i didnt at least get talked to by a mod... I want to continue building on this server or at the least know why i was banned in the fist place. Hope someone will get back to me -clsauer
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