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Everything posted by choopie1

  1. Hi, Looks like I was banned for griefing. Best I can remember, someone actually asked me for help on their build -- is it possible perhaps someone saw this and misunderstood? Thx
  2. Hey Tornado, we spoke on the server the other day. Rules were discussed, and I think going forward he'll only be playing on PvE with me. No more PvP where he seems to get into trouble. Thanks
  3. Heya, I'm actually writing this on behalf of my son who was banned today --- noob! We both apologize and I will go over the rules again with him. I'm not sure exactly what act was committed (the reason I found was "general griefing"), but if you can specify, I'll reinforce that extra well. If you're okay with lifting it, I'd suggest keeping him banned for at least a week, so the point is made! Thanks
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