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  1. WE ALL are subject to the same rules, but to say that staff do not get any additional benefits... well that's a bit of a stretch, I could name a few unintended additional benefits of being on staff but that is not what I am posting about nor the point I intend on making. All this boils down to "Do you trust your mods to follow the rules set in place?" If the answer is "no" then why are they part of the staff? if the answer is "yes" then why not let them self regulate when it comes to regions, we know the rules. Also, if an issue arises (land dispute, claims beyond the scope of what the rules apply or simply protecting areas that should not be protected) the worst case scenario is having another mod look at it and making a small correction. Like I said before, this bunch of people moderating these days really impresses me, there is a certain passion and pride of going thru modreqs with a true sense of urgency, many times a modreq has been filed, I type /modmode and TP to the spot and 1 or 2 mods are already there (even admins!!! back in the day admins almost never did modreqs) so you have plenty of reasons to trust your mods. My message to the admins is this: You have a great group of mature people with a great sense of humor working their butts off to knock those modreqs out of the park and enforce the rules. I am very impressed. That said, I cannot help but think that there are a one or two people here with a bit of a trust issue with the mods and this is a concern. If "cheating" is the goal, moderating and helping out is hardly the way to go. If this regions issue has occurred in the past, just look back and I can guarantee you that it has to be more with the personality flaws of a mod than the group as a whole. So I propose the following: a) Allow and trust moderators to create their own regions and if a situation arises, it doesn't take more than a few seconds to get it sorted out. - - or at the least - - b) Allow moderators to create child regions within their own existing region, no one is getting any extra advantage from this but protections for certain rooms, specific flags on regions, item frame protections and the such are indeed necessary sometimes. Mods would just take a bunch of land and exceed the limits of protections Correct the issue. Send that mod to retraining, like a newbie for not being familiar with the rules. If they cannot be trusted then they shouldn't be a mod. Simple. But mods would do their regions first! Make it a habit: Hey mods, before you start your region creations and/or modifications, simply type /check and knock that list out, leave your own work for last. As staff, we are here to serve, not to be served.
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