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  1. https://namemc.com/profile/miNeCrEeper481/9ce512d7 Sorry I forgot to say my new ign is miNeCrEeper481, I used the name change feature a while back. The account that was originally named Gizzletinks is now miNeCrEeper481, the account that now has the name gizzletinks I do not have access to. if you could unban miNeCrEeper481 instead, Thanks.
  2. I agree to the stated stipulations about ban lengths.
  3. The rules that I broke were Threatening the servers I have read over the rules and am ready to come back. Thank you for handling my appeal silversunset, I hope to see you on the servers!
  4. 48 Hours Bump. Pretty sure MrLoud stepped down so could another admin handle this appeal, specifically mumberthrax or tharine, maybe RTR69
  5. My ban is coming up upon being banned 2 years. I would like to be unbanned please so I can play once again. Thanks you, Gizzletinks/Minecreeper481
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