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Everything posted by PvPMatt

  1. I don't get how you don't understand what is going on here? I don't think you are even the mod who banned me. If I were NotTegu and I was trying to avoid ban after the first one I would have realized you were finding me out my my ip. I would have changed that and you would have no idea. So if you think I am really NotTegu then why would I fall for the same trap 3 times. He wouldn't Me and MiniTortoise are in no way connected to NotTegu other than the fact that we are his brother and share the same friends. You don't seem to be able to open your mind enough to see that there are other possibility and just because 3 people use the same computer in the same house at different times does not mean we are one person trying to xray on your "great server" The entire purpose of joining your server was to play with friends. NotTegu wasted his chance and then used his alt "JetPackJohn8" to try and evade. You say your not baby sitting? I sit there in the discord server listen to my friends talk about how they can see the obvious signs of an admin in vanish or using invisibility potions. Your already watching them or whoever it is is. Let me finish my argument with this. Do you have friends? Do you like to play with them? Well me and MiniTortoise have friends and we really like to play with them. And right now we are not mad at NotTegu for getting banned. All we wanted to do was play with friends on a vanilla minecraft server. NotTegu deserved the ban sure whatever and he will wait it out regretfully watching me and MiniTortoise play with his friends. MiniTortoise was logged on playing this morning regularly when he was banned I logged in and asked dominoz for some startup geat after NotTegu gave me the computer because he got banned. You can look at the mine of MiniTortoise He was strip mining and there is no evidence of xray. All me and MiniTortoise want to do is play with our friends on a server. Just ask yourself this How would you feel if your brother got banned and an admin banned you all on suspicion you were all in on it together. Would you want to have the unjust ban lifted or just sit there quietly.
  2. But he is not evading the ban that is our brother trying to play! Now that NotTegu and I are banned he has all the computer time. Your right in the way that you cannot tell who is on at any given time and that is exactly why there is no way you can say he was avoiding his ban. Your preventing me and MiniTortoise from playing with our friends. Your just banning us all left and right. He did avoid the ban the first time with his alt JetPackJohn8 but after that he was out of luck. Whatever you need to verify that there are 3 of us I can provide. All me and MiniTortoise want to do is play with our friends on your server. He hacked on mineplex and was banned. We play on that server. Are we banned for "avoiding ban" there? No we are not because they are reasonable and understand unique situations. Your processing this situation in a completely cynical way and immediately jumped to the worst conclusion with me and MiniTortoise were simply alternate accounts for NotTegu our brother. Why don't you give me and MiniTortoise another change but watch us carefully. Or watch us play together if you so convinced we are one person. Watch us mine do whatever you want you will not find evidence of Us using any form of hacks.
  3. I know what happened. I interrogated my brother and apparently he got banned yesterday on your server. Then he logged on to our other brothers account "JetPackJohn8" to try and bypass the ban. Then I logged on later to play with our friends and after talking to a friend I was banned. No I am not NotTegu he was banned. No he does not have access to my account and no I do not use xray. We share the same computer and I will be careful to log out after playing each time. Id love it if you could un-ban my account as I would love to play with my friends even if my brother cannot.
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