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  1. I was banned for x-ray on Janurary 12th, 2017 (3 years, 8 months, 25 days from today). In my initial appeal, I made the bold move of outright lying about my crimes in a vain attempt to evade the ban. It didn't work. I realize that X-Raying and Lying are wrong. I have reviewed nerd.nu/Rules My days of cheatin' are over. I'm sorry.
  2. Hey guys, looks like I am being held in the court room for some crazy X-Ray allegations. Now I am not sure what this allegation is based off of, perhaps my good friend James's false accusations against me and talu28, perhaps the 1x2/3x3 mines with none to minimal lighting (Gamma-Bright is Legal right?), perhaps it is me struggling to reach way-points where I died, maybe it was me asking multiple times to use X-Ray for the fullbright that works with shaders. There is ALOT of scenarios this could have gotten mixed in with tho I am unable to testify without the proof. I have studied the rules multiple times to ensure I didn't break any rules/make negative connections with server staff and community. While over reading this I may seem to give off a hostile vibe, but I assure you that is not the intent. Thank you for your time.
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