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Everything posted by NFL

  1. Hi, I was using a clock change mod on the computer to speed up my entire pc, and also made myself run faster. I wasn't using a hacked client though. I also believe I sent the message about owning the account FuckThePolice before I was kicked (just for to remain accurate the timeline). Now that aside, I purchased the account FuckThePolice something like two years ago from a friend who was no longer interested in the game. I never once joined, or attempted to join, nerd on that account within the time I've owned it. I can't speak to what the previous owner did with it some 57 months ago , but I never once have committed "ban evasion". I don't think you can make that charge with a such a ridiculous time frame at play, and basing it solely off the history of ones username when a lot of shit happens in almost 5 years. That's my stance at least. I didn't break any rules (apart from the clock change which I have admitted, but that's not why I was banned). Hoping to be unbanned, Thanks. PS: My friend that you banned, isn't me, so I'd love if you could unban them at least.We joined around the exact same time, from different parts of the country, so not sure why you think that's the same individual. Just because someone's curious as to why their friend was banned, who doesn't know why they were banned, doesn't mean it's the same person. It means they're curious as to why I was banned.
  2. Hi, I was banned for "ban evasion" despite never been banned on a nerd.nu server (to my knowledge). I was breaking a birch tree one moment, I alt+tabbed to check discord and when I checked minecraft against I was banned? I'd love some info, thanks.
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