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  1. Hey guys, Banned for 'griefing'. Not sure what I did exactly. Never played the game before, so decided a Reddit server was best. Loaded it up, all was good. Asked around where I can build, got told "Rose parks" (i think thats the name, its 960x960 anyway), went there, found a free block... built a house with supplies i found in a chest in the middle of the road [i assume public chest cause it had a sign and wasn't locked]. Made a /modreq to secure my land, then 'theclefe' a neighbour gave me some supplies and showed me how to rest in his bed, where I can mine [deep underground through his tunnel] etc. Started mining, fell of a ledge and died, respawned at the ship and logged out. Tried to login today 3 days later, banned. I'm sure there's logs on the server, and chatlog will show I'm just a noob who was asking questions, getting help, trying to obey the rules, do everything etc. my best guess is it wasn't a public chest? Cheers guys. edit: I remember finding an unfinished bridge that had a sign saying something like "I've given up, you can continue if you want" so I think I took 2 or 3 signs and a torch? I can't remember. Maybe that
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