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woshidadashabi [TemporarilyAlive]
TemporarilyAlive replied to woshidadashabi's topic in Closed Ban Appeals
There is no need to count down the days here. The ban is now on an automatic timer and will be lifted exactly 7 days from my original reply. -
woshidadashabi [TemporarilyAlive]
TemporarilyAlive replied to woshidadashabi's topic in Closed Ban Appeals
Hi woshidadashabi, Attached below are screenshot evidence of some of the 6 ancient debris you xrayed. All of which bordered a lava source and were tunnelled to directly from behind or below using other players old mines. (these show the same ancient debris piece, one showing the path to tunnel up to it from the existing mine, the other showing it rolled back from above in the lava lake) (these 2 were directly tunnelled to from behind using other players existing mines nearby. Viewed from in the lava lake they bordered) As this is your first offence you will be unbanned 7 days from now. As per our xray policy all of your edits have been rolled back and your inventory/ender chest wiped. -
PPGOME started following TemporarilyAlive
Hi Sleets, You were banned for xraying ancient debris in the nether. All 31 of your ancient debris edits were from the bed of a lava lake with minimal netherrack edits. The only way this could be achieved in the timeframe you did it in is with resource packs, mods or glitches that enable you to see through lava. This is an unfair advantage as vanilla clients would see this: Below is some screenshot evidence showing some of the 31 ancient debris edits. As this is your first offence you will be unbanned 7 days from now. As per our xray policy all of your edits have been rolled back and your inventory/ender chest wiped. I would also like to add that replay mod is not allowed as this too can be used for xraying.
Both accounts have been unbanned
You've been a player here long enough to know that sort of thing isn't allowed. You were even warned for using other client hacks a few months ago. Please reply here on Saturday 24th August (1 week from the initial ban) to get both 2ba & mr50 unbanned.
I dont see how placing the camera half below the waterline would help to see the diamonds in any of the overworld screenshots i shared. Other players have already donated materials to avalon to rebuild the damage done by the rollback.
Hello, Your nether mining wasn't what initially caught our attention; it was the large number of diamonds in the overworld you had mined. A keen eyed moderator did a quick check, as they would for any suspicously large number of edits, and raised it to the admins attention. Cheezy and I then found multiple examples of obvious xray, which you can see on the screenshots in this link https://imgur.com/a/iDcw8u0 While investigating this, we noticed you were online and teleported to you just as you entered the nether. Knowing what you were about to do we watched as you drank fire protect potions, jumped in the lava, and swam entirely under the surface straight to 4 netherite blocks. See evidence of this on the screenshots on this link https://imgur.com/a/mQE3I6g You were not half on the surface and half under the lava for the majority of your mining session, and even if you were, you should not have been able to see under the lava. See the image in this link for what you should be able to see when doing what you showed in your screenshot https://imgur.com/a/f5KBFcU I would also like to add that you had recieved a note after being warned about using exploits to traverse spawn. While this had no bearing on the ban descision, i feel that it is worth mentioning here. Using xray, exploits, or mods to gain an unfair advantage over other players is not allowed, and your screenshots clearly show your client has a function to disable fog to see under lava. The ban was not unjust, it was entirely deserved. The punishment is a 1 week ban, and all your edits have been rolled back, as per our xray policy. Please reply here 1 week from now confirming that you have read our rules to be unbanned.
Broski_Dealer [TemporarilyAlive]
TemporarilyAlive replied to Broski_Dealer's topic in Closed Ban Appeals
You were trolling in chat, warned for using an auto spam click hack, and caught red handed flipping trap doors / fence gates & denying it. As this is your first offence the punishment is a 1 week ban. Please familiarise yourself with the rules at https://nerd.nu/rules/ and post here next week confirming this to be unbanned. -
BaconLover07 [TemporarilyAlive]
TemporarilyAlive replied to BaconLover07's topic in Closed Ban Appeals
This is not up for discussion -
BaconLover07 [TemporarilyAlive]
TemporarilyAlive replied to BaconLover07's topic in Closed Ban Appeals
I had recieved multiple reports of the language you had been using in chat, and the nature of the topics you had been discussing. This combined with the signs displaying the name of your town which were also neonazi dogwhistle terms & the previous warnings you had recieved over the last year is why you were banned. The fact that you even admit to being part of those communities in the past mean you know exactly what you were talking about. This is not the kind of behaviour we want or expect on our server. As this isnt your first ban for this, you will remain banned for at least the next 6 months. Please take this time to reflect on your language and choices, and if you feel ready to rejoin our community please re-appeal next year. -
Posted in wrong sub forum & improper ban appeal format. Moving to correct location & locking post
Posted in wrong sub forum & improper ban appeal format. Moving to correct location & locking post
Nikelodion_Game [TemporarilyAlive]
TemporarilyAlive replied to Nikelodion_Game's topic in Closed Ban Appeals
You are now unbanned -
Nikelodion_Game [TemporarilyAlive]
TemporarilyAlive replied to Kevcraft8's topic in Closed Ban Appeals
Please stop posting ban appeals. Your friend will be unbanned on Sunday, as I have made clear in the 4 previous appeals. -
Nikelodion_Game [TemporarilyAlive]
TemporarilyAlive replied to Kevcraft8's topic in Closed Ban Appeals
Please stop posting ban appeals. Your friend will be unbanned on Sunday, as I have made clear in the 3 previous appeals.