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  1. I have very much matured since my ban, and I'm willing to act more appropriately and stop annoying members/being rude. I
  2. Ok, so here's what happened: Some months ago, I think about 18-20, I got banned from your network. The reason was because in my starter base (which was underground) I found a naturally generated bedrock penis. I tried claiming it, but 5 hours later I logged in to find it was removed by the admins for being inappropriate. Because I was annoyed, I tried to get it rebuilt by harassing (my first reason for getting banned) the admins by saying it was a coathook, digging for another one and starting a change.org petition to get it rebuilt. I'm pretty sure I even harassed them on discord too. I got kicked a few times but after rejoining 2 times I got banned. I went to the forums to make an appeal, but was declined (rightfully so). I accepted I wasn't going to get unbanned so instead I did something so dumb of me I think about it like once a week to this day. For context, I gave away a lot of maxed netherite back then, and I had maxed netherite myself. So being dumb and annoying, I went onto the discord and claimed every single piece of netherite I found was X-rayed, in order to get 3 other people banned who wore sets I gave to them. I got immediantly banned from the discord and since then I haven't been active in the community. I haven't been really playing minecraft in the past 10 months, and because I really loved the community on here so much I decided to appeal, and also to get it off my mind. I would completely understand if I don't get unbanned but if I don't please provide a reason why. Link to the change.org petition: https://www.change.org/p/the-p-nerd-nu-admins-i-want-my-bedrock-penis-rebuild-on-p-nerd-nu
  3. Ok, my ban reason was harassment, and this is the context (which definetly matters in this story): I tried to get a bedrock penis protected, one of the bedrock pieces there got destroyed, and what resulted was an half an hour long trolling session. And apparently, that was ok. i then went to my stash, back to the bedrock penis and replaced the destroyed bedrock with Obsidian. i got kicked. i typed " fuck you temp" on a sign, i got kicked. i typed " i know youre in modmode right now, and i got BANNED for HARASSMENT. Both of the actions, with the obsidian and the sign were absolutely childish, but if i got kicked for these, how did i get banned for saying "youre in modmode", well maybe i got banned because my saying "youre in modmode was the final straw, but i dont see how thats harassment, i dont see myself getting kicked for a message like that, you can use /list to see whos in modmode, so i dont really see how saying youre in modmode is punishable. so, please explain to me how saying "youre in modmode" is harassment or unban me, thanks!
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