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Everything posted by Stormmblade

  1. Hello Cujobear! I hope you are doing well! I am very familiar with the rules of Nerd.nu. I started playing on this server back in PvE Revision 8 and am proud to say that since joining there has been not a single serious complaint about me from any of the staff or moderators until this recent incident. Let me say that I have no interest in touching any builds other than my own, and I have very strong feelings against anything that might impact the Nerd.Nu PvE experience. I wish nobody any harm; my only interest is in building cool looking structures. When we discovered the 'trick' to escape the event arena, our one and only intention was to build a fancy looking building on this more 'permanent' server, using resources we collected for this revision's city of Frontier and build our fancy build in an area that was unused and would cause no direct conflicts. The plan was to build something fancy first and only upon completion reveal it to a moderator; hopefully so they could have a laugh and also lock up the build as part of the server history before yeeting us back to the overworld. I will admit to being aware that the Event map is not meant for regular players to explore and build on at their leisure, and that intentionally doing so did carry some potential risk of retribution or banning. Given that I had no ill-intentions, I made the mistake of assuming my build would be met in good humor by the moderator staff and not taken too seriously. In hindsight, it's quite obvious to me that, regardless of my intentions, the potential for serious misuse and exploitation exists and therefore prompts a serious response from the moderators. It is well within your rights to issue me this temporary ban, in fact dare I say necessary to uphold the rules in an unbiased fashion, and I harbor no ill will for that decision. I want to apologize for any unnecessary worry I may have caused when you discovered my build, my mistake in assuming it might be acceptable, and also extend my appreciation to your moderation team for being so polite and reasonable when contacting me about it. To demonstrate my sincerity and without being asked to, I have already demonstrated the exploit used to escape the arena and also explained how arenas can be constructed to prevent this exploit from being possible in the future. I am confident that Fazadin was the moderator I was speaking to at the time, but it's been a very busy few days for me and so I may have misremembered their username. At any rate, thank you for bearing (pun intended) with this wall of text. I hope you have an excellent weekend! Best Regards, Stormmblade
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