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Everything posted by leeanndibble

  1. I have read the rules and I promise to follow them here on out.
  2. So this happened a few minutes ago. There was a chain of " X gonna X" 's in the chat, like "mods gonna mod" and "players gonna play" and so I thought I'd chime in with "Lil wayne gonna n****" (though I did not censor myself) thinking I'd be fine since this is a Reddit server and that most people would know the joke that Lil Wayne uses the n word a lot but it wasn't taken as well as I hoped and got banned for racism. I understand why this may have been perceived as being racist and I assure I did not intend it to but I wasn't given time to explain my actions or at least given a warning. Your mods are trained well and are quick. I do apologize for my comment though and hope that you un-ban me.
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