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Everything posted by calculusguy314

  1. Hello, My in game username is Calculusguy314. I was banned last night at around 3:30am PST. After a long day of playing on this server for my first time with my friend (I played on this server for a few min a few days prior), I encountered a user called Richeddi. I ended up getting into a bit of a conflict with him and I got infuriated so I went on griefing on his home on red road after he decided to attack me for no reason when I got a leather saddle. I made a plan to find some diamond so that I can retaliate in combat against Richeddi. I resorted to using illegitimate methods to obtain my diamonds, such as x-raying. I got enough for a sword and promptly lost it, however. My friend, Kingdragon, was accused of being my alt and x-raying with me and banned. He was not x-raying, I did share some of my diamond with him though. I got angrier and I went on to grief a few more buildings, namely the public spider grinder on red road. After this, I was coming back and I got attacked by Unce, where I then logged out of combat. I have fully re-read the rules and I am ready to come back to the server as an honorable member that will follow the rules. As a fellow Redditor, it would be a pleasure to play with the great community.
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