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    The Nether

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  1. Hey I just want to know if there was any way to get some of the notes on me removed. I know some of them were made on me when I was younger and more of a pest. Thanks
  2. ok thank you glad we figured this out
  3. I am very confused I do not have any fly hacks on my client my client is clean. I do not know how I can prove this I have never had hacks, cheats, or even mods (beside shadder mods). I have been messing with a diamond machine that would glitch out and kick me so that my only explanasion.
  4. Oh also, I was wondering if there was a way to get some of those notes taken off If you want to know if I been good or not I just like to say I became a Mod for a server for a short while and also, and active member of 2 White list servers.
  5. Hi can someone tell me when my ban is up I think it is march 17 but I am not sure. Thanks Pvtsnowball971
  6. I like this to because you can do more summer time biomes for summer and winter ones for winter and inbetween for spring and fall
  7. Well you could make it so they can mine with what ever but when the build stuff like the houses and stuff it can onle be wood tools makeing a screw up a big time mistake in stead of a minor setback
  8. I have a thought that I have been thinking of for a while now. A lounge type of server were you have 20x20 plots that players can build on. You can switch from creative to survival and back and it just a chill type vibe.
  9. ok that will be no issue thank very much for the heads up
  10. Hey I like to add a few things that I do not have direct proof but, a guy that was with me can back me up on. If this about dny modreq about me "griefing" I think it without saying the things that have gone on between use. Frist they personaly attack more than once in rose chat also, they every time I come to rose tell me to "fuck off" and "your not welcome" when I am just walking though to use rails also, they brake my carts, and also,constantly accuse me in rose chat public chat and also private chat of griefing builds of rose with no proof logic. sometimes I not on at the time the greif and killings take place. So with that I just thought that might be consider since they may just want me banned for good casue that all I got from them all the time.
  11. Hello, I was recently banned and I do and do not understand why. I relized that Dny was not happy with my greetings but, I ment now ill fate are other ways. Also, I was not aware that I was warned. I know I was warned about personal attack on a player but, that not why I am here. I do not recall ever being warned. Please help me understand . Thank You PvtSnowball971
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