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Posts posted by Synergetrick

  1. We have been discussing this and serval other things. You just don't see it because we do it in private,

     Why? This doesn't help anybody. I don't expect you to have the entire conversation in #redditmc but the least you could do is offer "we're looking into this" or something on the forums.



    I can tell you that no one has tried to contact me about this, yourself included.

    I asked after you specifically either in-game or in Mumble (I forget which), and redwall_hp. In redwall's case I asked another moderator to tag me when their conversation in Admin and Mod was over so I could have a quick word about it. That never happened.



    We would be fine using an alternative solution to SafeBuckets, but we are against trying it during a rev. We don't know what that alternative solution is yet, but we looking at our options, including ones you guys have said here.

    Moving to this or any other solution (including Glacier, but that is broken in multiple ways which I am not willing to fix anymore) mid-rev would not work. Consequently, bringing this into a new revision is the best (if not the only) way because it would break so many things and confuse players.

    • Upvote 1
  2. ....Permissions don't work like that.


    While you're technically incorrect (there's no "guideline" for how permissions do or don't work - they're a set of allow / deny flags for player actions), you're kind of also correct. There's no plugin to my knowledge that allows this sort of behaviour.


    That said, I'm pretty sure I could get one working with WorldGuard in about fifty lines of code total.

  3. Don't mean to be rude here, but safebuckets is completely irrelevant to this topic.


    Safebuckets is being discussed here.


    Actually it doesn't seem to be being discussed at all. I've tried to contact two of the S admins three times now to no avail, and I believe others have as well.


    On topic, this is a bad idea. Mumberthrax pretty much hit the nail on the head.


    My idea behind this was not for personal farms inside bases it was more towards those who make giant farms off of main roads. 


    The owners of those public farms do it out of generosity. To demand more of their time in keeping it replanted would cause them to disappear quite quickly.

    • Upvote 2
  4. Plugin works logically, caches things so you're not hitting the database all the time. If you are going to actually implement something then this is a solid attempt at a good solution.


    I would store x, y, z on the off chance someone one day needs to manually touch the database, but I'm just being pedantic now


    I've updated this now. Removed the hash from the database because storing it is nonsensical if there's a chance that the values it depends on - x, y and z - can be modified.

  5. No they don't. Whoever broke the block has to replace it. It can be replaced by the player who got the griefed item, but they by no means have to.


    This is then exploitable by the select unsavoury few who could camp that area or the player and kill them repeatedly while they attempt to replace, causing it to never be replaced (or take long enough that it's deemed voluntary grief).


    I prefer the unwritten rule, honestly.

    • Upvote 3
  6. If its coded by someone familiar with working with liquids...



    I coded (and stole some old code from SafeBuckets for) this plugin which should fit the intended use-case. Relatively untested as I'm typing this at 1am, however it Worked4Me™. Has persistence in way of a standard database which stores ID / World Name / Hash. I found no reason to store x/y/z individually, however if someone can prove that it's necessary I'm happy to change this functionality.


    I added in something that I'm unsure is present in SafeBuckets; the monitoring of the "EntityChangeBlockEvent" event, which is called, among other executors, when gravel falls onto a block.


    The only caveat is this to the deprecation of type IDs (block material IDs), you have to use the internal names. As such, things like redstone repeaters are actually called "DIODE", and redstone itself is "REDSTONE_WIRE". There's very little I can do about that without coding in natural language processing.


    Edit: I've been discussing this with md_5 just now and I'm going to be making a few edits to the hashing system. c45y also pointed out that it's a good idea to store x/y/z for manual correction if somehow the automation breaks. As such, if you're using this anywhere please realise that it'll break with the next few commits I make.

    • Upvote 3
  7. If you get the macro mod, you can set a macro to chat to specific channels.


    As of currently, the Macro Mod is banned on Survival according to MrLoud15. I'm still waiting to hear an amendment about that, as I was given the okay for it about a year ago by a higher-up until now. It's also been in the ModJar for as long as I can remember.

  8. How about having some form of 'forced' clans from the start of the revision, whether that be four main clans (as an example) which will help people to work together within their respective clans and encourage more pvp / base attacks in a targetted way. This idea runs a little from the way teams were set up during the first Capture the Flag event if anyone recalls this.


    I like this idea quite a lot, and had a clan-encouraging idea earlier. From my conversation with MrLoud15 earlier:

    <Synergetrick> Alright so the tl;dr of my idea is using the dyed leather armor as uniform-esque armor for the clans. Each leader nominates a color, members of the clan who wear said color get a particular set of buffs as configured by the server staff (so any/all players wearing their clan's colors will receive this buff), and the level of protection could be pushed out to be equal to diamond armor.

    <Synergetrick> May have to modify the recipe though to make that last part balanced.

    <Synergetrick> Initially I extended the idea so that players not in that particular clan can't wear the armor (it simply cancels the event and notifies the player in chat), but I think that's probably a bad idea.

  9. Chat? Frick, it shows armor and health as well.


    Regarding resource intensive, if the game state is cached every 5 seconds, and any client polls to it reads from the cache, it shouldn't be too bad.


    Edit: Just thought of it: why not havea client dedicated to the task? Have a Minecraft client that runs on the carto server and have it receive all activity on the server. That way, the game server only has to handle an additional client, and if resources pemits, the carto server can render everything live and show the location of players, etc. I'm not familiar with the Minecraft game protocol, so I don't know what scope of information a client receives, but if neccesary there could be a plugin that sends all available data to a client with a specific IP and name.


    The way this used to work is that the regular backups that are made are shipped off to another box (if I recall, it's the redditpublic.com box owned by darkskynet) and a cartograph is rendered there. This is why it only updated every few days. Right now, the cartos are on the same box as everything else, which doesn't really change anything as it's still generated from a backup.


    To clarify as to scope of data sent, the server sends the chunks in an x radius around the player. For PvE, this radius is 7 (thanks to slide23 for that info). To send all chunk data on PvE, you'd be sending (4000/16)2 chunks; 62,500 chunks at the same rate that you send the regular 225 -- (2x+1)2 where x = 7 -- chunks to each normal player. That's 277 times more data to that player than all others, effectively tripling the average PvE peak-time population (277 / 80).


    Here are a few clarifications:

    1. Explain toxicity in the context it was originally brought up.
    2. Who do you think is or was being toxic and why?
    3. Are the issues raised in the post with or without any merit?
    4. What is your opinion on said issues?



    Bumping to ensure that attention to this thread, and our posts with questions and concerns are not lost.


    Please respond.

    • Upvote 4
  11. Syn: You made up a question I never asked, asked it on PvE and named me as the person asking it. Don't puppet people like that. I'm not sure why the features of the change matter, I was focusing on the permission bit. If we could separate them and discuss them each that would be allowing this topic to solve everything. 


    No I didn't. While you have the irritating habit of flapping around with words instead of just getting to the point, your question (or at least what has been inferred by myself and others) is that if beds are enabled on Survival (and people play on PvE for beds), why can't we enable PvP on Creative? While I answered your question directly in my reply (with a tl;dr of they're nowhere near the same thing, same as what Draykhar said), the reason I threw the question the way I did on the PvE server is because of this previous comment:


    Having beds on S would encourage PVE players to live entirely in a corner of the world and never interact with the rest of the world. We must not allow those people to join the server for something that doesn't belong on S.


    As for combat logging and bed-killing, there's various ways that can be resolved that I can see, although some of the approaches may not be acceptable:

    • If a player is re-killed at his bed, modify the death message to note the particular player is spawncamping
      • This is more a social approach than any, however it may help clear up (and nullify) combat logging cases if the death messages are recorded as different and it's clear a player is spawncamping.
    • Grant temporary (we're talking perhaps 2-3 seconds) invulnerability upon respawn
      • I believe Minecraft already does this by default, but not for quite this long. I was considering adding a command to teleport the player back to the actual spawn during this time, allowing them to get away.
    • Make a player, upon respawning at their bed, invulnerable until they move (this includes moving the camera)
      • This has approximately the same impact as currently; players who have been killed can idle in spawn until their killers go away. So much as moving the camera would remove this invulnerability thereby preventing players from getting to nearby chests, but I could change it to be any x/y/z movement + interactions, instead of including pitch/yaw (camera) changes.
    • Upvote 1
  12. And PvP has been in the game a long time, but that doesn't stop it being limited. Draykar I want you to be appalled, and it doesn't have to be here, but I'd like to hear how this is different to PvP on P/C. Roast you have a point, but it's from a very narrow and 'popular' point of view. Yes, people play PvE for beds, and for opt-in PVP, and the community that cannot exist with constant PVP.


    There are a few more options possible, which could be in a followup poll, but also has an impact now. Lucky with a bed reset means that you have to walk back to your base and sleep in the bed again to respawn at it. Lucky without a bed respawn means you can just die to any other player or method and spawn at your bed, even if your earlier killer is still there.


    I'll field this question, as having been around for multiple years I feel I'm somewhat qualified.


    PvP is a multi-faceted feature of the game. You can kill each other with swords, with bows, with or without armor, using traps, using potions, and with or without enchantments. To play with or without this on is a playstyle, not a toggled feature (for one, PvP can be disabled in Vanilla Minecraft, beds can't). People on PvE don't play "for beds". If beds were disabled on PvE these people aren't going to migrate to Creative. They play for the player-versus-environment playstyle. While I do play both PvE and Survival now, I don't play Survival because of the lack of beds, I play it because I get to kill people, and because there's the inherent risk of shanty_sniper destroying me at any moment.


    Whether you think that particular facet is gamechanging or not, a lot of your fellow players appear to disagree:


    • Upvote 2
  13. I don't see a problem with access to lb coal ore and stick; use of /lb tool can toggle tool activation.

    Once upon a time circa 2011 this was enabled on Creative. It caused everyone to start playing detective and take matters into their own hands, which actually resulted in more problems than it solved.

    • Upvote 1
  14. The fact you call the heads "the super best friends club" shows more about your personal bias than reality. Ditto applies to anything about staff favoritism. I can think of several examples where staff are more severely punished than their player counterpart in an incident - as well they often should be as they are entrusted with certain powers and do represent the servers to the playerbase.

    I wasn't referring to the head admins, and it's very difficult to infer that from my post. I was referring to the people you referenced here:


    Those who do find me approachable can carry on as usual if they'd like. I'll listen and crusade as I always have.

    "Having a majority of the playerbase think that you're not only..." Without arguing what constitutes a majorty here and how we could ever measure it, I've not seen "a majority" who distrust me. Even the petition to remove cyotie and myself was downvoted into oblivion very quickly. The sense I get is people would rather us learn from this but move on.

    Reddit, as you well know, is a terrible platform for discussion. It's also quite terrible for vote-based ratings. Unlike the forums, the votes dictate whether or not content is ever going to be seen, with the first few votes being downvotes weighing a lot heavier than 50 / 200 being downvotes. Using a reddit thread as a metric for that is a very bad idea, because it simply doesn't add up.


    I'm not here for spite; do not put words in my mouth or ever to presume to speak for me or understand my mindset. I'm still around because I care about MCP. Recent major examples are that I lead the staff meeting in June the day after my step-Dad died. I kept up as best I could behind an irc/mumble/minecraft-blocking firewall from my hospital bed. I do what I do, as always, to offer what measly help I can.

    While I did edit this particular part because I myself thought I'd misworded what I meant (and I do apologise for that last sentence, it misrepresented my thought process), I'll respond to you in kind.

    Firstly, this entire incident was caused in part by you putting words in the mouth of, and trying to pretend to understand the mindset of, a server admin who you had made so uncomfortable that she had to share the experiences with the playerbase.

    Secondly, I'm going to re-refer you to c45y's comment. As you seem to have jumped past my original post, be it because it was too long or too analytical, here's a link again.


    There comes a point where your ability to do your job as a head admin is not determined by your own ability, but the number of people who actively listen to you, from what I see on the sidelines that number is dwindling. Perhaps I watch the wrong program, the state of the mod team on that front is nearly completely hidden from 'normal users'. Whatever the case your ability to perform in your role should determine your continuation in it

    As far as the -admin log you linked is concerned, I think it's an example of how well the staff works. I do something, Tharine takes issue with it, we discuss and present our arguments, and the matter is resolved. I was stubborn, for sure, but heaven forbid someone have to work hard to do what they think is right! Tharine won the argument, by the way, as I removed my post. It was out of line, though it had felt good to vent after a long staff meeting I spent all day and then some working on to make it happen since Lude had recently quit and dropped it in my lap. I learned, though, that not everything should be circle-jerk material.

    While I appreciate that this was a learning experience for you, it shouldn't have been a rude awakening that "not everything is circlejerk material". This is especially significant when you make reference to Tharine's age, stating that she needs to "age ten years". What's more, the fact you refer to Lude's quitting as dropping it in your lap alone indicates that despite this, you didn't delegate or ask for help particularly often, if at all. I may have been listening to the wrong streams, but I don't recall conversation ever coming up where you asked for assistance. I should add that of all things, the fact that Tharine "won the argument" is of non-relevance.

    I do ask that if you have the time, you go back through and respond to my original post appropriately. Since it's currently the third-highest voted post on this entire forums, with upvotes from players and staff alike from all servers, I believe it indicates that I'm clearly on the right track with my questions and concerns.

    • Upvote 7
  15. So what exactly is the point of this topic? You were never apologising for your actions, you're apologising for the reaction to your reaction to your actions being made public. You haven't responded to any legitimate post in about the incidents, merely one criticising the thread.
    This is what people get when they approach you with concerns. Just as I said, you write it off as drama, or take it as a personal insult.

    The fact you separate the two categories and tell one to "take it elsewhere" while the super best-friends club can continue business as usual is not the correct practice for a head admin or a leader of any community. This is something I have quite a bit of experience in from my own endeavours - having people who think you're unapproachable is bad. Having the majority of the playerbase think that you're not only unapproachable, but unpredictable and misguided as well is a gigantic flashing sign saying "step down, step away". If the playerbase doesn't trust you, how can you believe that you leading the community is a good fit?

    • Upvote 10
  16. I'm confused about a number of things over this entire incident, not just this post, nor the first post, nor your replies. This entire incident has, for me, dragged my trust in the staff as a collective group through the dirt. There's a small group of shining examples such as Draykhar and Barlimore who don't give politician's apologies, acknowledge that things aren't right and explain how they want our help getting from A to B.
    What I don't get, in particular is where this post by a, by his own admission, "head-head" admin stopped being true. Was it when he left, or was it only true so that there was something in the mod forums in way of reprimanding those who took part in that ridiculous incident? If the former, why is it not true now? I've seen one moderator step down after their behaviour was making other players, my friends, uncomfortable after I had talks with the administration about it. That was on a personal level. This entire incident makes at least me and tens of others uncomfortable about it on a community level. From this post in /r/barneygale:

    When I quit tech over a year ago I couldn't imagine things getting worse, but they really have. It's depressing as fuck to watch one person systematically undermine my work, the work of my predecessors, contemporaries, and successors, who have dedicated so much time and love to these servers.

    Barney did put a lot of work into these servers. When c45y (who also put a superhuman amount of work into these servers) quit, his leaving post was, in summary, an indicator that he thought this had turned into a shitshow. This was reiterated when he posted this comment in response to your comment of "You cannot sit there and dismiss all the good I've done over the past two years so off-handedly." Interestingly enough, that's exactly what you did to Barney. Your response indicated that you want to go out on your terms which, last time I checked, isn't how the world works most of the time.
    Now onto dissecting this particular post. I won't do the whole thing now, but I'll get started.

    What I hated about her exploding a drama bomb then bolting is that she's gone.

    Do not use this word, especially not in this context. It wasn't "drama" until you made it drama. I'm really tired of the staff and people who pretend they're staff misusing this word. It gives off a combination of "this person has no idea what they're actually talking about", and "this person doesn't want to deal with this so is pretending it doesn't exist".

    She does not have to clean up the aftermath or even really deal with it. Whereas the people she left in her wake, especially Barlimore, steve, thrawn, and several others of the staff have to clean up her mess. Not to mention the stress, confusion, anger, hatred, etc. that her actions have provoked in and among the players and staff team. You all, players and staff alike, have spent countless hours collectively posting, arguing, getting your feelings hurt, getting angry, upset, etc. which isn't fair to you. I hate that it's cost you all so much of your time, effort, and emotional well-being and distracting you from... playing Minecraft.

    Please tell me why there's an aftermath to clean up at all. The cesspit post you made was visible to me and any others that had the link (and it was given out like free candy, you were all so proud). Her actions are a response to your and everyone else's actions. You put her in this position, certainly not the other way around. May I ask how it feels to know that you made someone so uncomfortable being a part of a subset of your community that she had to show everyone what it was like? Do you know why? Because her loyalty was to the players, not to a small subset of the community known herein as "staff". I knew the majority of this information from other sources before it was posted in a Google Document, before Tharine had even thought to collate it, I know I'd have done the same.

    Moreover, the picture was picked up by barneygale, who I assumed got it directly from her (but it's possibly more likely he took it from her post), and who proceeded to make it look as if I had really fallen off the deep end. He took the picture out of time, out of context, and with total disregard of reality, aimed strictly at making me look bad, dangerous, off-balance, etc. Because I thought Tharine had had a hand in barney's post and the fiction it created, I called her toxic.

    I have two problems with this particular sentence.

    Firstly, you indicate your assumptions that Tharine and Barney are, for whatever reason, colluding in some sort of attempt to get you removed. While I could understand the means and the target, the fact that you attach the two in such a way in order to paint both in a bad light indicates that you haven't learned a thing from this incident right off the bat. You go on further to throw words around his post.

    Secondly, you called her toxic because she may have had a hand Barney's post? While I'm incredibly more partial to Barney's posts than you, I don't think I could ever find it in myself to write someone who did what has been done here off as a toxic influence on a community I love even if they'd raised the playerbase against me through it. If that had happened (and it has), they probably have some seriously valid points, no?

    I hope this also goes a little ways in healing the breech, where there is one, between players and the Admins. I am but one of many, and my attitudes and opinions do not always reflect or agree with the other Admins, even the other Head Admins. You have little to fear from them (and maybe this helps dissuade some of the concerns about myself remaining a Head Admin, even in a reduced capacity).

    I'm going to point out that if you seriously think a large wall of text that doesn't even say "I'm sorry for being horribly misguided" over and over again is going to do anything for your credibility with the majority of the playerbase, I'm afraid you're quite mistaken. One particular quote that comes to mind is "if you don't become an actor, you'll never be a factor". Posting text on the Internet isn't going to help your case, or the admin's case, or MCPublic's case. It just makes everything look like even more of a joke if this is actually accepted as the resolution. Please don't try and use the medical excuse again as your reason for floating around with words, because the answer is to just resign your head admin duties and fall back as a normal moderator for the time being which is what people have been saying all along.
    This is the largest community outrage at an event that I can think of. Even Barney's actions, despite being painted in the brightest red and orange by the head admins, didn't generate this much mistrust (merely a vocal few). Players left, people withheld donations at the fundraiser (I can name people that withheld, between them, over $1000 due to this incident), and you lost what little trust some of the staff and players had in you completely.

    tl;dr Don't skim over this. It's important, has some serious questions, and raises the thoughts and concerns of many players who are simply too scared to post about it.

    • Upvote 24
  17. I just hate the idea of having to keep a bunch of potions on me to keep me safe, takes up inventory space. I see why some people would want it, but I'm voting honestly and purely out of self interest. I'm not good enough at minecraft combat to be interested in this, I already run away from 90% of mobs I see. Plus, as neo said, monsters suffer from a ton of lag in the first few weeks, so they're easy as shit to avoid.


    After you get so much as unenchanted iron armor, any mob on normal becomes nothing more than an absolute joke. The two that aren't (Endermen, Zombie Pigmen) aren't hostile by default anyway.


    I wrote a plugin a long while ago that could technically be used a compromise between the two; it applies various (configurable) potion effects to mobs when they target a player (default is, if I recall right, speed and strength). This means that players won't die from hunger, but mobs will still be difficult. Running away from these mobs will cause the potion effect to run out as normal so you can still fight them "the old way" if you so desired.

  18. While nitpicking each others' posts is all well and good, the topic of discussion appears to have very quickly been dissolved. Can we please try and remain on point here? The forum is the best medium for communication and potential resolution of these issues. While I understand that grade-school microscopes are great tools, they're not particularly useful on forum posts.

    That said, there are people from both sides who, on a scale from "not having any idea" to "first-hand involvement" probably fell off the scale somewhere on the left side. While the opinions of survival players may have a degree of bias, we (well, some of us) are the players that have known Tharine from player through to administrator - her dedication to the server was nothing short of impressive. Yes, she sometimes took calls from mediums outside of the game (Facebook, Steam, Skype), however it wasn't out of obsession but out of a care for the playerbase. Contrary to WayneByNumbers' post I believe she managed things quite well, and I know of multiple times that people were told to take other mediums of communication (i.e., that Facebook, Steam, Skype were not appropriate) in order to get something resolved.

    I feel it necessary to reiterate something that another player said the other day about the logs being posted. I've had trouble so far coming up with a way to put it in as many words, but "Tharine's loyalty was to the players, not to the staff 'gang'" sums it up nicely. It definitely was MCPublic's best interests at heart, but where those "best interests" actually are is what's separating the majority of the playerbase; without the players these servers are nothing.


    Character assassination is not the way to go here, nor is projection or speculation. If you're going to add something to the conversation, please make sure it has a factual basis.

    • Upvote 6
  19. To start, I'd like to adress ROCKONN:


    Judging by your post, I would like to assume you've rarely, if ever, actually interacted with Tharine. After playing on these servers with her, from clanmates, to moderators to admins both for eight revs, I think I can speak with a little credibility that Tharine was not  "an immature, irrational, selfish little runt trying to take down the pillars of the community on their way out". To say such of her casts all others in a foul light.


    Passing beyond that.


    Tharine dedicated countless hours to this community, her commitment to the Survival server is a large reason many of the players there stayed. She pushed through numerous changes to the server the last few revs, and has always willing to help resolve issues within the server. No one ever had issue contacting Tharine with their concerns. She was always open to suggestions on any part of how Survival works, and did what she could to change it. While Survival (and this community as a whole) still has plenty of room for improvement, Tharine laid much of the groundwork, repaired some of the cracks in it's foundation, patched up the walls, and opened what so many are considering to be Pandora's Box on the way out the door.


    Tharine brought forth concerns that  many others, both players and staff, have been bringing forth for a while. The only thing /new/ within it is her actual leaving. This post has become a focal point of many of the issues within the past few months. These concerns are nothing new. Is this community perfect? No. Absolutely not, as no community is perfect - there is always something we can work towards improving.


    The nerd community has changed a lot since when I started playing here, and I can imagine had undergone much change between then and its founding. Judging by the levels of dissent and emigration, I'd say we're due for some changes.  What? I'm not 100% sure, but we've got to orientate ourselves towards a goal. C and S's numbers have been steadily declining, let's look at fixing that.

    Our player-base has changed, and the current player-base is looking for a transparent administration where they feel their input is of value.  As staff, we are obligated to the player-base. Not in that we owe them something, but rather it is our duty to work towards making the servers an enjoyable place to play.


    The current administration generally tends to work pretty well together , but certainly has worlds of room for improvement. Half of us (myself included, sorry) aren't here for days at a time - this puts way too much work on the few who remain and they suffer from burnout. We don't use all of our channels of communication correctly - whether it be appropriate conversation in IRC, or properly dispersing critical information. 


    We've got some work to do.


    To add to this with my own voice, when Tharine was first told she was becoming an S admin, she came to me and posed the question "how would you describe me?" I don't recall my exact response, however it certainly wasn't "an immature, irrational, selfish little runt trying to take down the pillars of the community on their way out". It was the opposite. Tharine was (as an admin, and still is as a person) incredibly level headed, did not play favourites (I was caught under fire from her more than once), and was, at least initially, determined to work to make Survival better. I couldn't have thought of a better candidate; I was one of the people that suggested her way back when. I still can't think of a better duo than Draykhar and Tharine.


    I feel that the quotation "It is not our mistakes that define who we are; it is how we recover from those mistakes" holds very strong relevance to this entire situation. As I said in my reddit post, the "moral panic" and "mass hysteria" were 100% caused by the initial creators of the content and posters of the posts, not those who collated it and put it on show alongside their opinions. Those are the people that stand up and say what the others are thinking.


    MCPublic as a whole suffers from a community equivalent of hemispatial neglect. Hemispatial neglect is where someone has a brain injury or defect that causes them to "neglect" one side of their body or visual field. It’s not that the person is blind in their right eye, as apparently everything functions and is being processed by the brain from that side. It is simply that they don’t cognitively comprehend that side, but, when this fact is pointed out to them they also don’t comprehend that they don’t comprehend it. They’re just surprised that suddenly this event on the right side of their body happened. If you ask them why the didn't see that, they can have any reaction from anger to giving a confused but totally plausible explanation. They honestly just don’t see that anything is wrong, but they also kind of know something is wrong so need to justify what just happened. This is what happened here and every other time; it's written off as drama and disposed of into a memory hole.

    • Upvote 12
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